ganoderma applanatum or artist's conk is a mushroom that you can draw on. it's really cool!!!

if you draw on the mushroom, here's some tips.

make sure to carve them soon after picking for the boldest line, and be aware that the pore surface stains easily.

after carving, you can simply let them dry out on their own with the pores facing up. some artists choose to apply a finish, but the specimen will preserve itself for years either way.

  • question: is it edible?

well, yes but also no. the thing is it is considered not be edible because of how rough it is. you have to chop it finely to be used for tea or, alternatively, you can ground it (like a powder) to be used in smoothies and others.

fun fact:

this mushroom can help attack cancer cells!

may 18 2020 ∞
dec 31 2023 +