• i was born in may 21st 2001
  • i love being alone and i can have a lot of fun just pondering for hours
  • i'm an absolutely terrible dancer. no motor skills at all
  • horror and romance are two of my favorite genres in every media possible
  • i have this chronic desire to explore and understand everything. from music, movies and art to food, places and life experiences. i love feeling
  • i have a really sweet tooth. i'm always eating a chocolate bar or candy
  • i only fell in love for the first time at 23 years old
  • i can speak (brazilian) portuguese and english fluently, i also understand a lot of spanish but i don't speak it very well
  • i'm bisexual and i came out to my closest friends at the time when i was 12
  • i've been biting my nails since i was a kid and i've never been able to stop. it's honestly awful because i bite the skin too and it can bleed and hurt a lot (update: i actually stopped biting my nails)
  • i'm unfortunately terrible at keeping up with tv shows and i usually don't finish them
  • i'm very curious about everything and i'm always searching something up
  • i struggle a lot with my spiritual/religious views
  • i started listening to k-pop in late 2014. my first favorite groups were exo, 2ne1, bigbang and bts
  • i don't like spicy food
  • i'm left-handed and i can't write with my right hand at all
  • i watched my first anime in 2013 and it was a very unusual first watch! it's an anime called onegai teacher (the actual first one was probably naruto, dragon ball or pokemon but i hadn't actually intended to sit and watch all of it) it's kind of super weird but i love it so much because it gives me so much nostalgia. i also watched one episode of elfen lied on a brazilian anime tv channel in like, 2007 and i was super intrigued and traumatized lol
  • i used to be a hardcore justin bieber fan
  • i love makeup but i rarely wear it because it feels really bothersome on my skin. it feels dirty?? i just don't like the feeling of it but i think it's very pretty
  • i'm very driven by nostalgia and i love reminiscing the past
  • i struggle with adhd, social anxiety and major depressive disorder
  • i used to be a "neet/hikikomori" after i finished high school
  • i dropped out of college more than once
  • i have an obsession with feeling clean and "reseting" everything in my life
  • i love watching random movie trailers
  • the only reason i don't believe in astrology is because i don't like my natal chart. i don't relate to it at all (with an exception of my scorpio rising). but i used to love researching about it so i know a little about it
  • i suspect i'm autistic (even my mom thinks so) but i've never talked to any professional about it
  • i currently work as a bilingual virtual receptionist, it's kind of a complicated "concept" but i basically work for an american dental office under a brazilian business. my first job was as a secretary of a private school
  • i unfortunately don't have friends, i still struggle heavily with social anxiety and i've sort of already accepted i'll always be alone. i simply don't reach out to people or try to be friends because i feel unable to. people usually seem to find me weird so i just don't try out of fear too. i've always felt there was something inherently wrong with me and i seem to feel that way everytime i'm in a social gathering. but i'm in a relationship with a person i love very much and with whom i confide to a lot and i'm very grateful for that
aug 6 2024 ∞
feb 23 2025 +