• emily. there's always going to be that element of fear, jealousy even. emily and demetri lost it to each other, gwen lost it to him. she's gorgeous, she's exactly what his family wants, she's what he "should" have. and evidently she still cares for him, and he still has a gleam in his eye when he looks at her. it's only a matter of time, right? plus emily's so evil to her sometimes, normally gwen just lets it roll off her back but sometimes it hits home.
  • 'gone to earth,' by american analog set - gwen while demetri's with the death eaters
  • she knows something's wrong from the minute he shows up on her doorstep. he's been staying with her a while and she's taken care of him, helped him through the trauma. but there's something else. something he's keeping from her. and it gnaws at her, maybe she's crazy. but one night she's listening to his breathing, his heartbeat, that waltz rhythm that she's fallen asleep to for so long. his breathing's faster, his heartbeat off. 1, 2, 3, 4. her eyes open slowly, and she knows something's happened to him.
  • warsaw, poland: treblinka camp. they're walking through the grounds, and suddenly she stops. demetri's hand slips out of her grip, and she takes a few steps toward a mass grave site. silence. she kneels beside the grave that her grandfather dug, for lives he extinguished. she can't speak.
  • first waltz
  • dinner with parents, sex talk
  • will you still love me in the morning?
  • piano. she'll have a small upright piano in her/their flat and obviously there's one SOMEWHERE in the house they later come to have. after she plays for him the first time and he catches her practicing every now and then, she might start showing him compositions. as they grow closer she becomes more aware of his moods and feelings and most of all, emotional needs. after a while she'll know when he's upset, and just take his hand and lead him to the main room, sit him down on the bed or couch and kiss his cheek, then sit at the piano and play for him. this will continue into their married life.
jun 26 2010 ∞
jul 3 2010 +