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we all make these lists, right? this is what i need to do in the new year to be happy, healthy, and wise!

  • the classic cliche: get into shape. what does this mean?
  • go grocery shopping every week and only eat out occasionally.
  • exercise in some way for 30 minutes at least 3 times a week. really, is flipping through the tv stations, bored to tears, all that important? wouldn't the time be better spent bellydancing or practicing yoga?
  • learn to eat mediterranean again. i felt so good on the french/mediterranean diet. the food was fresh and i never over-ate or snacked. the good old days.
  • i would love to sign up for 3 different classes: one business, one art/graphic design, one exercise or sports lesson. will it happen???
  • stop extraneous spending. a few things here or there are good for the soul, but do i really need one more vintage dress that is too small/stained/smelly to even wear?
  • find a fun second job for extra money. i'm thinking of going back to blockbuster or maybe a coffee house. those would work with my day job hours, too.
  • plan a real vacation to the beach (next year). one week on the beach with no distractions. no sightseeing. no partying. just the sound of the ocean. the smell of coconut sunscreen. the feeling of the sun warming my body. the taste of fresh summer fruits. the sight of no other people for miles and miles. mmmmm...
  • read one book per month on any subject. music, business, film, fantasy, etc. chic lit or college leftovers. doesn't matter.
  • keep crafting. nothing feels better than finishing a project that has been bubbling in your head for months.
  • make new experiences with new people. time to look around to see what else and who else is out there in cleveland. i need to be bolder with others because, as the jennies found out, all it really takes is saying hello.
  • spend more time with my family. i almost never get to see the kids out in medina and i miss them all the time. need to start making time for those who are important. visit every month (and force the bf to join me).
  • in the same idea... keep in touch with friends from my past. email at least one person per week.
  • keep looking for new music and other art forms that make me happy. don't be afraid to ask others for their help with this.
  • take a few road trips in the toaster to areas close by. this means state parks, roadside attractions etc. there's so much here left to see!
  • get more sleep at night. i hate being so tired at night. really this has to do with time management. i'm late to work because i don't sleep enough. i'm late everywhere because i don't give myself the time i need. i have to be more realistic in planning my time.
  • develop a mantra... okay this is cheesy. but i've heard many times that people say a mantra or prayer every night before they go to bed and every morning when they wake. it helps them stay focused.
  • stop the jealousy... this can be taken on multiple levels. stop being jealous of other girls that know my boy, stop being jealous of others who have what i want, i.e. money, car, lifestyle. stop being jealous and start being thankful for the joy in my life.
  • at this point, this list is depressing and i don't want to think of any more items. i will add them if i think of them, though...
dec 27 2007 ∞
jul 3 2017 +