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I love this site but I don't really utilize it. I do that with pretty much all of the useless internetage that I have. And yet I'm always thinking about getting that one more account... ^_^

But seriously, I like a lot of stuff, I dislike a lot of stuff. I don't really like explaining myself and at the same time I get defensive. Easiest thing for me seems to be to not talk about stuff with p...

listography TERMS

the chosen

  • 70
    • "I always pictured analysts as sophisticated people with short pointed beards, monocles, and German accents."
  • 91
    • "I was nervous and impatient for my father to come. Mr. Savo told me to relax, I was spoiling his lunch."
  • 232
    • "Danny sat among them, silent, his face tight. His eyes caught mine, held, then looked slowly away. I felt cold with the look of helpless pleading I saw in them."
  • 234
    • "Our eyes met frequently, but our lips exchanged nothing."
  • 235
    • "Silence was ugly, it was black, it leered, it was cancerous, it was death."
  • 237
    • "...I saw Danny turn his head, stare at me for a moment, then turn slowly away. His face had remained expressionless; he hadn't even nodded a greeting. I sat very still, listening to the registrar, and felt myself get angry. To hell with you, Danny Saunders, I thought. You could at least show you know I'm alive. To hell with you and your fanatic father. I became so completely absorbed in my anger that I stopped listening to the instructions. I had to ask one of my classmates to repeat them to me after the assembly. To hell with you, Danny Saunders, I kept saying to myself all that day. I can live without your beard and earlocks with no trouble at all. You're not the center of the world, friend. To hell with you and your damn silence."
  • 243
    • "The look on Danny's face, though, when I saw him for the first time, helped a little. He passed me in the hallway, his face a suffering mask of pain and compassion. I thought for a moment he would speak to me, but he didn't. Instead, he brushed against me and managed to touch my hand for a second. His touch and his eyes spoke the words that his lips couldn't." etc.
  • 281-289
    • so powerful, I cried my eyes out. Reb Saunders finally talks to Danny through Reuven.
    • 288 "Then I sat and listened to Danny cry. He held his face in his hands, and his sobs tore apart the silence of the room and racked his body. I went over to him and put my hand on his shoulder and felt him trembling and crying. And then I was crying too, crying with Danny, silently, for his pain and for the years of his suffering, knowing that I loved him, and not knowing whether or not I hated or loved the long, anguished years of his life."

the kite runner

  • 275
  • 288 the fight
  • 300-302 Rahim Khan's letter

their eyes were watching god

  • 24
    • "There is a basin in the mind where words float around on thought and thought on sound and sight. Then there is a depth of thought untouched by words, and deeper still a gulf of formless feelings untouched by thought. Nanny entered this infinity of conscious pain again on her old knees."
  • 188
    • "It was not death she feared. It was misunderstanding."
  • 191
    • "Love is lak de sea. It's uh movin' thing, but still and all, it takes its shape from de shore it meets, and it's different with every shore."

the professor

  • 152-153 Frances' first letter
  • 205-211 Frances' poem
    • "If tired, a word, a glance alone / Would give me strength again."
    • "He yet begrudged and stinted praise, / But I had learnt to read / The secret meaning of his face, / And that was my best meed."
  • 211
    • "...the frost of the Master's manner might melt; I felt the thaw coming fast whether I would or not..."
  • 216
    • "After some hesitation, natural to a novice in the art of kissing, she brought her lips into very shy and gentle contact with my forehead; I took the small gift as a loan, and repaid it promptly, and with generous interest."
  • 221
    • "That is my little wild strawberry, Hunsden, whose sweetness made me careless of your hot-house grapes."
  • 245 "all that wild vigour"


  • chapter 6 (i love rorschach)
    • "None of you understand. I'm not locked up in here with you. You're locked up in here with me."
  • chapter 7 pgs 29-32 Dr. Dreiberg's writing
feb 23 2009 ∞
oct 7 2009 +