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I love this site but I don't really utilize it. I do that with pretty much all of the useless internetage that I have. And yet I'm always thinking about getting that one more account... ^_^

But seriously, I like a lot of stuff, I dislike a lot of stuff. I don't really like explaining myself and at the same time I get defensive. Easiest thing for me seems to be to not talk about stuff with p...

listography TERMS
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from home

  • magic flute poster
    • it's right behind my desk, I don't want the Aida one just the magic flute please :)
  • british lit norton anthology
    • it's on the breakfast in bed table thingy :) it's the huge blue book. seriously it's ridiculously large :)
  • bag of music
    • it's green and it should be by the piano and music stand, there's lots of music in it
  • hairspray
    • if you can't find this it's fine, I think it's in a bag with my curling iron but I don't remember where it is
  • 2 (or more) boxes of the christmas tree lights
    • me and kayla wanted to put some up and I remembered how we have boxes and boxes of them so can I have some?? :)

actually needed

  • kleenex
  • contact solution (complete)
  • brown sugar
  • cup of noodles :)
  • sugar cubes
  • half and half
  • pop tarts
    • cookies and cream
    • strawberry

kind of needed :)

  • loofah
  • 4th edition everyday writer
  • I kind of want a vogue subscription... but that's not necessarily a need
  • capri suns
    • mountain cooler
    • I really just like the coolers :)
jan 7 2010 ∞
feb 3 2010 +