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  • "Lu Han and Lay ordered 1 HUGE ice cream and ate it together, but then Sehun and Kai joined them. It was finished by 4 of them. Lay fed Kai with ice cream the same way Lu Han fed Sehun!"
  • “It must be because I spent my trainee days dancing all night with Lay hyung but everytime I dance I think about Lay hyung. Lay hyung is as precious as this to me but sometimes he is so 4D, to a level you can’t even imagine it, it really surprised me. Once I asked him to buy me food and he asked me to do some aegyo, this is absurd.” - kai
  • two moons teaser
  • various two moons performances
  • being cute at smtown tokyo
  • whispers
  • holding hands and giggling
  • being (not so) subtle
  • embarrassing themselves
  • being suggestive before going onstage
  • stealing glances
  • "Even though Kai and I are the main dancers of K & M respecitvely, but to me, he is a senior who started training in the company first. When i entered the company, he was already dancing extremely well." - lay
  • hugging after exo-m win 'most popular group award'
  • "I want to say this to Lay hyung. Lay hyung, this is Kai. You've worked very hard in China yesterday you even won an award, I congratulate you very much! Hyung, I love you. Fighting!" - kai
  • not so coincidental matching colors
  • being idiots
  • "Yixing’s face was smeared with cake because of Kai." Yixing said: 'pass me some tissues, I have to wipe off the cake on my face…' After that, Kai and D.O used their hands to wipe off the cake on his face" "Kai, D.O and Yixing hugged together~ Kai whacked Yixing’s waist with the toy hammer and told him that he should never injure himself again." - excerpts from yixing's bday party
sep 8 2012 ∞
dec 16 2012 +