• o jeito que o will canta "i'll be the boyfriend in your wet dreams tonight" e "and you maaaade me loooose my self-control, my self-control" no cover de self control
  • o jeito como ele fala Significant Other em beach life-in-death ao vivo
  • beach funeral inteira
  • it should be called the anti-depression / as a friend of mine suggested / because it's not the sadness that hurts you / it's the brain's reaction against it
  • o jeito como ele canta dog / give me one little chance / and i can make you a man / i'll be your rock, dog, when you're rolling in your eyes na versão ao vivo
  • a bateria de beach life-in-death inteira tbh
  • o ethan cantando powderfinger naquela versão de sober to death
  • ele cantando love is natural and real / but not for you, my love / not tonight, my love / love is natural and real / but not for such as you and i, my love
  • will cantando dont you worry about a thing na versão de sober to death com powderfinger
  • a segunda parte de i want you to know that i'm awake/i hope that you're asleep
  • something soon.
  • will cantando and half the time i'm like THIS em vincent
  • this............. is............ my........... bro..........THER
may 2 2020 ∞
oct 26 2020 +