I know, it's impossible to stop people from these categories from following me 100%, but I'd still get a few words out there beforehand. You really shouldn't follow me if you're the following (will hard block on sight if you folow unless it's a category I note isn't one):

  • One of the usual suspects for DFI (pedophile, racist, homophobic, transphobic/a TERF, etc.)
  • You're a tankie
  • You're particularly annoying about the Sword and Shield Pokedex cut (like I know it kinda sucks but the entire movement around being mad at Sword and Shield is so fucking annoying)
  • If you're 15 or under, I'd prefer to not interact with people that young (if you keep trying to me I'll just keep soft blocking you but not hard block unless you're particularly annoying about it)

Other stuff (not related to DFI)

  • I swear a lot
  • I'm quite far left politically and tend to retweet a lot of political stuff (although I'm not sure where I'd exactly categorize my beliefs, but I do have some pretty strong anarchist leanings)
  • I tend to shitpost about/RT about transformation on main sometimes so uh, watch out if you don't want to see that stuff
oct 15 2018 ∞
dec 11 2019 +