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Name: Fennylaise
Job Description: Personal Muse to AK.
Appearance: Something between Nick Rhodes circa 1985 (the Arcadia Days), Michael Praed (Robin Hood from the BBC series) Keith from Voltron and Ken from Gatchaman.

  • People who insist on adding a 'y' or 'ie' to the end of a given name especially when no one ever gave them any hint that they like to be called that. E.G: Chrissy (egh!), Angie (double egh!), Nicky (eek!) or Pauly (argh! Tis a pirate bird name!).
  • The fact that there is more than one Underworld movie. It was a horrible movie. I hated it. I still wish I could have my 120 lost minutes back.
  • Charity/Cause d'jour bandwagon jumpers.
  • Ignorant people
  • Anti-Seal Hunt people who have no arguement except that baby seals are cute. (I'm not for or against the commercial hunt, but give me a better f*cking reason than, "Awww, but they're soooo cute!")
  • People who tell me hunting is evil because it's wrong to kill a living being while eating a fish because it's good for their hair. (Yes, it's true. I've actually had a few people say this to me.)
  • People who think a total ban on an item or thing is a perfect solution. (Ever heard of Prohibition? That worked reeeeally well, didn't it?)
  • People who insist on the right to freedom of speech, but then slam you if you don't agree with their opinion. (The best example? The Dixie Chicks.)
  • Religious zealots who believe murdering enemies of their deity is appropriate. (Pro-life advocates fall under this category).
  • spam (the electronic form, not the meat)
  • Unresearched 'Missing Person' emails of people who are not missing
oct 31 2007 ∞
mar 14 2009 +