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Name: Fennylaise
Job Description: Personal Muse to AK.
Appearance: Something between Nick Rhodes circa 1985 (the Arcadia Days), Michael Praed (Robin Hood from the BBC series) Keith from Voltron and Ken from Gatchaman.

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Yes... So... I've been watching a lot of TV the past day or so... Here are my favourite TV people. The ones that I enjoy watching.

  • Q (John de Lancie) - Star Trek: TNG - He's handsomely annoying. I love how he's just a total dick and there's nothing anyone can do. LOLOL! I love how he can rile the Capt. :D
  • Brian Griffin - Family Guy - Possibly the only reason that Family Guy's worth watching.
  • Mike Rowe - Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe - I like his voice. I think the show's informative and who doesn't like to see people fumbling in disgusting filth?
  • Sig Hansen - Deadlist Catch - He's just a sexy hunk of Norwegian, who takes no guff. How can you not like that? His brother's kinda cool too. :P
  • Alton Brown - Good Eats - If it were not for Alton's need for useless trivia and science content in his cooking show, I would never have learned to cook. He kept me focused long enough on his show to actually learn something.
  • The Evil Monkey that lives in Chris Griffin's closet - Family Guy - the other reason that Family Guy is tolerable. I feel for the Evil Monkey. I understand the monkey...
  • Stephan Colbert - The Colbert Report - Yes... I think this guy's hillarious. I love this guy!
  • Ralph Wiggum - The Simpsons - Oh, so quotable, so funny. It tastes like burning...
  • Lrrr, Ruler of Omicron Persei 8 - Futurama - Although he doesn't understand the concept of it, I 'wuv' this alien. His pompous bumbling makes him 'wuvable'.
jun 15 2008 ∞
mar 14 2009 +