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Name: Fennylaise
Job Description: Personal Muse to AK.
Appearance: Something between Nick Rhodes circa 1985 (the Arcadia Days), Michael Praed (Robin Hood from the BBC series) Keith from Voltron and Ken from Gatchaman.

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These are the people I have a love/hate relationship with from Television.

  • Captain Jack Harkness - Torchwood & Dr. Who - It's Captain Jack. I <3 him. He has turned me into a rabid teenage girl after all these years. :D
  • The Doctor - Doctor Who - He drives the TARDIS. He's the Doctor.
  • Judge Judy Sheindlin - Judge Judy - I like that she takes no shit and is all about the children. But sometimes it goes to far and she gets too uber bitchy for my tastes.
  • Gordon Ramsay - Hell's Kitchen & Kitchen Nightmares - I love that he can reduce someone to tears, but I know if he got in my face, I'd probably throttle him.
  • Eric Cartman - South Park - He was great in the beginning, then he started to get annoying. He still gets the occassional shinning moment, but his 'athoratay' is slipping with me.
  • Stewie Griffin - Family Guy - The murderous 'kill Lois' thing is great, but the gay innuendo is getting tiresome... And quit it with the annoying laughter that each character seems to have!
  • Jerry Springer - Springer - Do I really need to explain? Same goes for his head of security Steve (?)
  • Horatio Cain - CSI Miami - H's so-cool-under-pressure thing is hardly believable, but it's what makes him intriguing... Cali's basically Horatio but better looking, which is why she isn't on this list, because I don't hate her sometimes.
  • Ron James - Just For Laughs - I think the guy's a great comic, but having run into him on the street, his attitude left me sour.
  • The Pakleds - Star Trek: TNG - We are smart, we are strong. Make us go... nuff said.
  • Homer Simpson - The Simpsons - I used to like him, then the writers started making him more into Peter Griffin.
  • Gregory House - House - This one's sort of a love/hate relationship. I like that he's an asshole. I like that he's right. I hate that he reminds me of a couple people I know (who are always right, and when they are wrong, they pass the buck).
jun 15 2008 ∞
jan 23 2012 +