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  • Hes stinky, you bathe him, he's still stinky, he breathes his stinky breath on you for revenge
  • He naps for two hours, you poke him to see if he's still alive, he gets up and moves one foot away, he sleeps for another three hours
  • He whines, his water bowl is empty, you fill it up, he still whines, you check again, the bowl has been emptied once more, you fill it up, five minutes later it's empty again. His kidneys are made of steel.
  • He barks at the front door, he barks at the side door, he barks at the screen door, he barks at the window, he will never realize the doorbell was just on tv
  • He chases a rabbit by running in the opposite direction, he's confused when he can't find it again
  • He has a dog bed, he'll sleep anywhere else, the dog bed is for wildly rolling around on only
  • He steps in a puddle, he runs around the house for a hour in protest
aug 7 2017 ∞
aug 7 2017 +