eren jaeger

  • Broken Bird : "You're more than just a thief. Promise me you'll see the stars."
  • Eight : The two of you kiss like it will be your last time, all teeth and tongue and swollen lips.
  • Island Devils : (discontinued) A fic in which Reader wakes up outside the walls with amnesia, is forced into the survey corps and rips everyone a new one. Eventual manga/anime spoilers. Story takes place after the 57th expedition, follows canon events but doesn't follow the original timeline.

levi ackerman

  • Dust, Diamonds : Ever since your youths, the two of you have been quite the pair: the toddler son of a prostitute and the child-thief who protected him; a thug who could waltz and a whore who could kill; humanity’s strongest soldier and an officer’s mistress. And now, after years of separation: diamond and dust.
  • A River of Three Crossings : Levi doesn’t know what to do with you, this loyal waif of a soldier who reminds him so much of home. He comes to think that you are beautiful, but his mother taught him that beautiful things do not last.
  • Priceless : Levi berates himself for thinking that this lifetime would be the same as the last. He shouldn't have assumed that you would love him the way that he still loves you.
  • Island Devils : Reader wakes up outside the walls with amnesia, is forced into the survey corps and rips everyone a new one.
  • This Doesn’t Usually Happen : He dislikes you. Well, to be fair, he dislikes just about everything: new crops of cadets, piles of paperwork, people who walk too slow.

multi (levi/reader/eren)

  • Gunpoint : Marley has decolonized the Walls and freed the Eldians, but you are all still second class citizens, barcoded beneath your collarbones and confined to ghettos.
jul 3 2020 ∞
apr 23 2021 +