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teen / ADHD / fictional man enthusiast / Currently hyperfixating on Sonic the Hedgehog and my main f/os ! Other interests can be found in my lists

Please DNI if you selfship or are super attached to an f/o that I am not ok sharing

Only IRLs can have my Discord

listography NEW NEWS
atlas about me
  • Pass to follow my private accounts is a small introduction of urself. 1 or 2 sentences lol doesn't matter just say hi and tell me ur name and interests BOOM ur done lmao


  • My name is Cadaver


  • I'm 14. Think about that before you interact with me


  • DNI: basic dni crit, proshippers/anti-anti or neutral on the proship debate, selfship w/ my f/os i'm uncomfy sharing, or have them as big comfort characters, dni if u hatemail my f/os *or* lovemail the f/os i dont like sharing, dni if u vent a lot without warning, if u ship kaeluc (genshin) or siriclaire (wh), cringe culture supporters, against neopronouns and xenogenders, against she/her gays or he/him lesbians, if u believe ND people can control their SpIns or hyperfixations, if u seriously think that ADHD people are "less ND" or think they can't experience ableism, truscum/transmed, fetishize mlm relationships/fujoshi, if u unironically call yourself a weeb/weeaboo


  • BYF: If we're friends and we talk to eachother often u dont have to apologize for responding late! I dont mind. I lovemail my f/os a lot (esp the ones im fixated on) and if I have f/os that make you uncomfortable or trigger you, its better if u dont follow. I wont put CWs for my f/os. I need tone indicators. I have difficulty maintaining convos with people I'm not 100% comfortable with
jul 20 2021 ∞
jul 21 2021 +