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this lp is a little indulgence that i permited myself in order to make aesthetic (lol) lists for my favorite movies. [under construction!!!]

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jessie j activities (2025)

Year: 2011

Director: Lynne Ramsay

Kevin's mother struggles to love her strange child, despite the increasingly dangerous things he says and does as he grows up. But Kevin is just getting started, and his final act will be beyond anything anyone imagined.

❝You don't look happy. [...] Have I ever?❞

❝Then what's the point? [...] There is no point. That's the point.❞

❝Why would I not understand the context? I am the context.❞

❝Do you know were are you spending the afterlife? [...] Oh! Yes I do as a matter of fact! I'm going straight to hell. Eternal damnation, the whole bit. Thanks for asking! Ok?❞

❝Just because you're used to something doesn't mean you like it. ❞

❝It's like this: you wake and watch TV, get in your car and listen to the radio you go to your little jobs or little school, but you don't hear about that on the 6 o'clock news, why? 'Cause nothing is really happening, and you go home and watch some more TV and maybe it's a fun night and you go out and watch a movie. I mean it's got so bad that half the people on TV, inside the TV, they're watching TV. What are these people watching, people like me?❞

❝You know, you can be kind of harsh sometimes. [...] You're one to talk.❞

❝You just can't get uncomfortable enough can you? [...] Uncomfortable? With my own mother?❞

❝We just don't want you to blame yourself. [...] No. I don't... I mean I... I never said I did. [...] ...She's going to need a GLASS EYE, Kevin.❞

❝Why? [...] I used to think I knew. Now I'm not so sure.❞

jul 31 2017 ∞
jul 31 2017 +