
  • Identify all the things I want to be
  • Identify all the things I want to have
  • Identify all the things I want to do
  • Start dreams with steps to make them all real
  • Identify all the places I want to visit
  • Identify all the adventures I want to have
  • Identify all the skills I want to master
  • Identify all the curiosity I want to satisfy
  • Identify all I want to create and achieve
  • Identify all the experiences and relationships I want to enjoy
  • Identify the level of physical fitness I want to attain
  • Identify all the levels of financial and professional success I want to earn
  • Identify how to maximize your human potential

Get Clean

  • Deodorant

-Drink sage tea daily -Get Salt Deodorant Bar: http://www.amazon.com/Natural-Chemical-Free-Himalayan-Salt-Deodorant/dp/B004BNRQ5O

  • Toothpaste

-Earthpaste, or homemade toothpaste (as described in bookmarks)

  • Soap

-Get Dr. Bronner's Bar Soap and/or Dr. Bronner's Hand and Body Soap. Bar soap would be greener, after all (no more plastic bottles).

  • Shampoo

-Shampoo with your favorite Dr. Bronner’s soap. True soaps clean hair well but can leave a tangly look & feel; however… -Rinsing with our new Organic Shikakai Conditioning Rinse results in spectacular look and feel! Just stir 1- 2 capfuls of this rinse into a cup of water, close eyes and slowly pour while massaging into hair. Keep hand combing hair until hair feels entirely sleek (~30 seconds). Rinse out well. Repeat if necessary in extra hard water conditions or with longer hair. -After drying lightly with a towel, massage in Dr. Bronner’s new USDA Organic Leave-In Conditioning Crème for added silkiness and softness.

  • Laundry detergent
  • Dishwashing soap
  • Dishwashing detergent
  • Household cleaner

Get Organizized

  • Clean off desk
  • File papers
  • File movie tickets
  • Get a clock for the shower
  • Get bookshelf(/shelves?)
  • Have a "One of these days I'm gonna get organizized" sign made.
mar 25 2013 ∞
mar 26 2013 +