• sporangium-a-gogo: would beat you up for it way more than a punch or two. i don't think he'd stop until someone holds him back. he'd give that classic final kick and 3 minutes later he comes back to hit you more because he's so mad at you. would make sure to tell everyone if you cried or did something embarrassing whenever you're in the same room together after that.
  • talismanian devil immanence: wouldn't really react he'd just take it and maybe tell you to stop and go "ow...!" but if that didn't work he'd wait until you're done.


  • temple: would do some real evil manipulation to make you feel bad about punching her. would not hit you back and she'd hold it over your head that she didn't because if she did you'd probably be dead.
  • vanusha: would cry and look like a wet soppy cat abandoned in the street. he'd also die or get seriously injured very quickly because his body is falling apart.


  • danzig: no reaction. he wouldn't even understand it as hostility.
  • grisha: would get the zoomies and start playfighting, like slapping and biting and running around you. this is playfighting to him but it would hurt you (human) badly.
  • jackson: would get mad and confused as to why you punched him but wouldn't hit you back unless you provoked him more.
  • launo: he'd go for the kill. simple as.


  • carmillian quixano: would start a villain monologue about how humans are stupid weak and cruel creatures but it sounds really stupid because he's drunk as fuck saying all that. then he'd throw up on his shoes.
  • dada quixano: he'd be ok with it.
  • maria von grausamkeit: she'd act chill about it but would set a lot of traps in your house after so you DIE.


  • rook pawn fool: would get really mad at you and yell a lot and he'd try to hurt you back but he's not very strong so maybe it doesn't do anything. depends on who you are.
  • chariot fool: would be upset and disappointed at you but would be understanding if you explained it to him. it'd take a while for him to forgive you though and he'd probably lecture you about it.
  • falco mallory: he wouldn't notice because he's too busy being on heroin.
  • knight d. fool: he'd get really mad and really angry he'd yell more than rook (wow)and would threaten to sue you and call the cops on you.


  • annie: would just laugh at you. that's it. she wouldn't say anything, just point at you and keel over laughing.
  • magdalaine de toulouse-lautrec: she'd think it's funny but she'd also be mad and she'd attack you and it would probably kill you.
  • pytuna: more confused than angry but he'd also be angry.
  • victorien de toulouse-lautrec: long long winded speech about how you're dumb and stupid and ugly with fancier words and a bad attempt to hex you.


  • lick nand: he's siccing Travaqiel on you and it's NOT gonna end pretty.
  • malevich: it would take him 10 seconds to realize you punched him. he'd ask why you did that and cry :(
  • Marquis de Pegleg Vittecrozza: he'd act as if nothing happened and curse you with an UTI or a really annoying flu.
  • travaqiel: no reaction
  • weird god: he'd think it's fucking hilarious that you did that and you'd unironically become his favorite mortal.


  • angel A & angel B: you can't punch them. they don't have physical forms.
  • girlfriend: she'd pitch a fit yell and scream and exaggerate the situation and by the end of it you'll be sentenced to death.
  • muchu: he'd get really mad and try to fight you but he'd lose because he's skin and bone.


  • dauss: your corpse would end up indistinguishable from butcher scraps when he's done with you.
  • kazimir eck: he would tell you not to do that and get upset but he'd forgive quickly enough.
  • moloch: he's going to torture you. he can do that. legally.
  • seris: she's erasing your existence from the world and no one will ever remember you existed.
  • shesmu: he'd get cocky and try to fight you but even if he is a god, he's 10 years old i don't think he could do much damage.


  • ropedog: he's going to pester you until you punch him more and more and more and he will never leave you alone again. DO NOT PUNCH ROPEDOG NO MATTER WHAT HE SAYS OR DOES.
  • liv too deye: they'd get upset and brood silently and flinch every time you're around them.
  • qyoushit su: he'd punch you back and it would hurt. no hard feelings. he already didn't like you anyway.
  • wolfman: he'd find a way to convince himself that you did this because you're madly in love with him.


  • fritz thälmann: would get mad at you and stare at you really angry and scary. then they'd pretend that nothing happened but they'd hold that grudge.
  • massimo kovalchik: he'd cry and yell for you to stop and act like he's never done anything wrong in his life.


  • beztebya: he'd go ow but it didn't even hurt.
  • eva green: it would probably cause him to throw up. he's constantly drunk.
  • quill d. pour: if you're in public he'd start raving about how the woke mob is out to get him but if it's just the two of you, he'd get really upset but wouldn't say anything.
  • ssissorss: he'd stare at you really scared and run off or disappear (he's a ghost so he can do that).
  • till branco: he'd pretend it's ok and then he'd do something really scary like squeeze your hand or your shoulder really hard.
  • tutu neurotic: they'd phagocytosis you.
  • wilhelm lernagen: he'd get really mad but would pretend he's not and he'd accuse you of being an american spy. maybe he'd pull out a gun on you.
  • untrustus: he'd sic Tutu Neurotic on you and you're getting phagocytosis'd AGAIN.
jul 26 2024 ∞
aug 1 2024 +