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I am:
Young, Chinese, Clumsy, Tall, Good at having inappropriate humor at the wrong times, Christian, Loud and quiet at the same time, Embarassing, Chubby, Dog person, and much much more (:


This is a note. To a mystery I will solve one day. (:

  • Hello, you. You are exactly what I have been waiting for.
  • You are far from perfect, but I don't mind at all. Because you are even better than perfect, you are everything I had no idea I needed, and you are mine.
  • You were worth getting hurt for before this, you were worth everything I have gone through.
  • You make me wish I had been a better person, and let me know I will grow to become an even stronger and happier one in the future with you next to me.
  • I want you to know some things that I can promise:
  • I promise to be here after every long day of exasperating every day frustrations, complications that screw up everything, stress-filled duties with a smile the second I get to see your face, a hug to let you know things aren't always so bad, and a kiss to tell you I love you. More than anything.
  • I promise to tell you my past. And I trust you not to ever use it against me.
  • I promise to listen to you when we are fighting. I promise I will try my hardest to prevent my anger from getting the best of me.
  • I promise that I won't test your jealousy.
  • I promise to hold your hand when you are scared, or ever feel alone. I promise to be there.
  • I know I am not short of my faults. I think I have too many. But I know you are out there. I know you will love me no matter what mistakes I have made, no matter how many times I cry on your shoulder, whether it is because of you or not. You won't care how loud my laugh is, how inexperienced I am, how naive and stupid I am sometimes, or even how I get whiny sometimes. Thank you for being what God intended me to spend the rest of my life with.
  • I don't need those superficial silly things I use to look for, I realize that you will be more than my dream guy could ever be. You will be even more amazing than I could imagine I deserve. And I don't. I don't deserve you, but I bet you still stand by me anyways.
  • For now, I will wait.
  • I will wait until one day I can show you this letter, knowing you are the only person I ever want to tell that it's for.
  • Until that day, I'll stay here with a patient heart, an unbroken smile and a naive amount of hope. I can only hope you'll find me sooner than later.
may 26 2013 ∞
may 26 2013 +