- attending art fests and other events - walking !! <3 - bon soy veggie meats - croquettes, meat balls, sausages - ballet workouts - eyeliner freckles - bottom crease w light golden eyeshadow - very pale foundation - learning japanese <3 - terapijas saturday brunches - gundega repše 'jauki ļaudis' - face book page 'jā tas ir vegānisks', 'slimie vegāni' - getting kitty claws in nail bar <3 - jo kuchtas pics.. - gokai - victorian blouses - yung lean concert and tour tees - oats w figs and molasses - kera mag - kids tights - Paris hilton 'confessions of an heiress' and with dolores haze - doll art festival - katrina's makeup looks! - britney's new album

oct 8 2016 ∞
oct 8 2016 +