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Why do people have to be this lonely? What's the point of it all? Millions of people in this world, all of them yearning, looking to others to satisfy them, yet isolating themselves. Why? Was the earth put here just to nourish human loneliness?

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day 1: 06/06/16

  • hours slept: 8 hours (9:16-5:20)
  • reason: I have a headache and I have to wake up early
  • dream: I was visting some friends in the US, but I don't remember which state it was because it was a mix of NY with California(?). When we arrived, we went to a fair and we were searching for a famous character (I don't remember who) all day, and when we found him, we went out. But I was accompanying one of my sisters to the restroom and we found a family with 3 brothers and each one of them was with a girl, so I asked the person who was with me if they had another brother so I could go out with him and she said no. (The girl is someone I know named Marre) And apparently I was staying with her and her mom, and ahe told me that if the next day I wanted to keep walking and knowing places, or if I wanted ro go with them to IHOP, and I told her that I was good with walking but if she wanted to go there, we could go. So idk why but I was having a date with the guy that in real life I like, and asked him what did he wanted to do, and he told me that we should go to IHOP, and I asked him if he didn't mind if I took Ximena (my best friend's sister) and he was okay with that. When we went out of that place, I found that some children were auditioning to win silly things, and they were doing really bad acts, and there was this family that had a baby and they put him in the sand and covered with it while their brothers were auditioning. Later, I appeared in a place where some of my friends and classmates were (Marzela, Martín, Julián, Marcos, Kevin and Gustavo) and it was like a playground that had tunnels and we were all escaping from each other and having fun.

day 2: 07/06/16

  • hours slept: almos 7 hours (10:00 - 4:39)
  • reason: I woke up earlier because there was an earthquake.
  • dream: I made a party in my house, and people brought alcohol, and, as always, they got drunk. I think that I drank a litte bit because I was feeling dizzy. But some people were out and I went to see what was happening, and Martín was really drunk and he hugged me and told me that we should go away and I didn't want to because my parents would come anytime (they were out with some dogs) but he started to kiss me and I kind of accepted to go with him and we kissed but my sisters saw me going into a dark place with him and then I saw my parents with the dogs so we had to go back.

day 3: 08/06/16

  • hours slept: 7 hours 55 minutes(9:25-5:20)
  • reason: still wanted ro talk with people
  • dream: no

day 4: 09/06/16

  • hours slept: 8 hours (9:15-5:20)
  • reason: normal sleep hour
  • dream: I was living with my grandma and she had a cat, and I was going to replace it, so I cut its arms and it fell and was crying and I think that I killed two people who lived there too and I was feeling really guilty and people asked me what I had done because I was the only one near those people and that cat the last time that they saw them.

day 5: 10/06/16

  • hour slept: 8 hours(12:00-8:11)
  • reason: went out, came back at 11 and started to chat with people.
  • dream: I actually was thinking what I was going to tell a guy today, but I wasn't awake.

day 6: 11/06/16

  • hours slept: 10 hours (10:25-8:15)
  • reason: wasn't paying attention to the time
  • dream: It was my last day in NYC and I went with my parents to a new amusement park that had recently opened, and there was a roller coaster that everyone wanted to go in, but people were separates into groups when you entered and made the line, and we had to discover where the entrance and the exit was.

day 7: 12/06/16

  • hours slept: (10:11-5:20)
  • dream: I forgot :(
  • reason: couldn't fall asleep

day 8: 13/06/16

  • hours slept: 8 hours (9:30-5:20)
  • reason: just chilling
  • dream: I have flashbacks but I don't know how to explain them

day 9: 14/06/16

  • hours slept: 8 hours (9:25-5:20)
  • reason: nervous for math
  • dream: I was in school and I think that we were going to receive a presentation, and everyone started to get in the conference room, so I sat in front of Adriana who was beside Martín, and they were talking but I was tired, so I leaned on Martín's shoulder and he was touching my hair while he talked with Adriana and I was kind of falling asleep so they laughed at me because I almost reached the floor. Later, I was at Adriana's house, that looked like a little city because it was big and had a lot of buildings and things. She wanted me to see a place that she found that only appears for moments, so she guided me to a tower and told me that we had to jump to go to the place and I didn't want to because I knew that I could get hurt, so she got disappointed and jumped alone and I saw in my phone the place that she wanted me to reach. Then I went to a garden and found her workers and I asked them where she was and she came and told them to restrain me, so I got locked up in a place in front of the garden.

day 10: 15/06/16

  • hours slept: 7 hours (10:30-5:20)
  • reason: studying for the physic's test
  • dream: I was doing my physics test and I was getting all the answers negative and it was really long and I was the only one who hadn't finished.

day 11: 16/06/16

  • hours slept: 7 hours(9:30-4:30)woke up earlier than before and couldn't fall asleep
  • reason: went out to dinner with my family
  • dream: no

day 12: 17/06/16

  • hours slept: 8 hours (12:25-8:12)
  • reason: went to a party
  • dream: no

day 13: 18/06/16

  • hours slept: 8 hours (1:00-9:42)
  • reason: was at a party
  • dream: no

day 14: 19/06/16

  • hours slept: 8 hours (12:17-8:20)
  • reason: vacations
  • dream: no

day 15: 20/06/16

  • hours slept: 8 hours (12:00-8:20) but took a nap of almost 1 hour
  • reason: was listening a musical
  • dream: no

day 16: 21/06/16

  • hours slept: (10:30-5:50)
  • reason: have to wake up early
  • dream: I dreamed that I had to send the guy I like a picture but I don't remember if I did

day 17: 22/06/16

  • hours slept: (10:30-5:50) took a nap of almost an hour
  • reason: have to wake up early
  • dream: no

day 18: 23/06/16

  • hours slept: (10:10-9:57)
  • reason: tired
  • dream: something about going to pee and someone finding out about something hidden in my purse

day 19: 24/06/16

  • hours slept: (11:20-8:24)
  • reason: was watching Gossip Girl
  • dream: no

day 20: 25/06/16

  • hours slept: (12:05-8:49)
  • reason: problems with myself
  • dream: no

day 21: 26/06/16

  • hours slept: (1:35-8:24)
  • reason: didn't have anything good to do so I just talked with people
  • dream: I didn't dream because I was in that state of sleep in which you're not totally sleeping nor awake

day 22: 27/06/16

  • hours slept: (12:30-8:11)
  • reason: was chatting but felt really sleepy
  • dream: no

day 23: 28/06/16

  • hours slept: (12:30-7:49)
  • reason: no one here was going to sleep anytime soon, so I went to bed and chatted with people and I didn't notice the time
  • dream: no

day 24: 29/06/16

  • hours slept: (11:40-8:49)
  • reason: I was waiting for someone to turn off the lights
  • dream: no

day 25: 30/06/16

  • hours slept: (1:30-10:04)
  • reason: waiting for someone to tell me something
  • dream: I was in some kind of contest with school people (and the guy I like who's not from school) and when everyone started to enter the classroom we had to sit, and everyone wanted to sit together but then someone told us that we had to rearrange the way that we were sitting and we had to make groups (everyone ran to a table and they were quickly filled) and I was one of the last ones to pick a table. Then, somehow, we all apeared in Condad Concepción and we had to so some kind of challenge.

day 26: 01/07/16

  • hours slept: (11:40-8:31)
  • reason: staying at my aunt's house
  • dream: no

day 27: 02/07/16

  • hours slept: (12:00-8:49)
  • reason: was playing monopoly with my cousins
  • dream: no

day 28: 03/07/16

  • hours slept: (between 11:45 and 12:00-5:20)
  • reason: was trying to fall asleep since 8:30 but I couldn't
  • dream: I was going to visit a new house but I wasn't with my family; I was with a group of people and they were going to study with me in a different school and I knew some of the people and it was kind of a homecoming party. Later, we were all at this school but they taught things like one would learn in engineering, and I remember that there was this guy that I know names Jordi and we had a lot in common and it was like an encounter. Later, I made new friends and they were really fun, and two of them wanted to give me flowers but I only accepeted one set.
jun 5 2016 ∞
jul 4 2016 +