do not follow if...
- you are racist, sexist, bi/homophobic, ableist, transphobic, classist, oppose body positivity, do not believe in aro/ace identities, support t/rump, or are bigoted in any way.
- you make r*pe jokes or are a r*pe apologist, forgive pedophilia, ship minors and adults, incest, etc.
- ship real people together at all, in any capacity.
- you are a hashtag activist. i.e. you will re-tweet pseudo-activism but do not care to involve yourself in any manner.
- if you are a minor and we have not spoken before. i am sometimes quite bad at censoring myself and do not always feel comfortable with minors seeing it. if we share a lot of mutuals, feel free to ask. i may still say no.
- you are a t/aylor s/wift stan.
i have very strong opinions about why i dislike her and they are not just trite or shallow reasons. if you are open minded and will understand the critical analysis that comes in to play then you are okay. if you see her as your queen and all critique is just baseless hate then move along.
feel free to
- message me at any time, though i may be slow
- ask me to tag any triggers