• visit amsterdam and stay in hotel de filosoof
  • get married
  • have children
  • go to acting school
  • go to hollywood and find an acting agency
  • become an actress
  • get an oscar nomination
  • go to coachella
  • visit all disney parks in orlando
  • be on the cover of nylon
  • be on the cover of vogue
  • see coldplay live in concert
  • go on a road trip with my friends
  • find my soulmate/love of my life/my own augustus waters (aside from the cancer :()
  • get lost in tokyo
  • direct a movie
  • go to the sundance film festival
  • ride in a hot air balloon
  • intern at pixar studios
  • be my best friend's bridesmaid
  • throw a dart on a map and visit wherever it lands
  • visit the philippines
  • swim with dolphins
  • see the northern lights
  • have a daughter
  • have a son
  • not having to worry about money
  • have my family at my wedding
  • learn how to play the guitar and piano
  • master origami and pottery
jan 31 2012 ∞
jul 11 2012 +