( collection of mcshep fics, updated whenever i get brain worms )

sentinel/guide au:

  • a.w.o.l
    • john went a.w.o.l. after a mission in afghanistan. a few years later, a chance meeting with a certain dr. rodney mckay leads to nothing but trouble. and possibly redemption.
  • foothold
  • lost and found
  • mosquito, gnat, and midge season
    • senior special agent and unbonded sentinel john sheppard gets called up to chase a fugitive headed for the canadian border. unfortunately, this means working with corporal rodney mckay, rcmp—a mountie, guide, and royal pain in the ass.
  • four times john hated having sentinel senses, and one time he didn't
    • john thinks his sentinel senses are worse than useless, but the pegasus galaxy may prove him wrong.
  • happenstance
    • finding a sentinel is the last thing on rodney’s mind.
  • your attention
    • “oh, stop sulking. i’ll talk to you when i’m done, but i’m at a critical stage here, and your neanderthal-esque emotional turmoil is a diversion i can’t afford. go get beaten up by some marines or something while you wait for me.”
  • unguided
    • john sheppard is an unbonded sentinel and the first of his kind to be sent off-worId without a guide.
  • we are
    • elizabeth weir observes a sentinel and a guide on the first year of the atlantis expedition.
  • like strawberries in summer
    • sentinels and guides come in matched pairs, one near-perfect guide for each sentinel. of course, things are never that easy for sentinel rodney mckay, though. he didn't find his guide as a youth, and by the time he's in his forties, it doesn't seem like there's any chance.
  • pegasus by the dashboard light
    • an alternate take on canon where rodney can't get to atlantis unless he finds a sentinel to bond with. or; an alternate universe where rodney is a really big meatloaf fan.
  • a contemporary re-examination of sentinels and guides pair bonding in north america
    • sentinels and guides form a juvenile pair bond in childhood in order for sentinels to survive. neither john or rodney formed that bond until they were older, which shocked both their parents, the academic community, and their governments.
  • the (scary) paper trail left in the wake of sheppard and mckay
    • mckay and sheppard are off to MIT and they leave a paper trail in their wake.

canon friendly:

misc au’s:

  • a civil contract
    • john sheppard returns from the war on the peninsula as the new lord lymond, only to discover that much of his inheritance has been gambled away by his deceased father. it's a longshot, but he has a risky plan to win back his fortune and secure the safety of lantea, the family estate. what he didn't gamble on was the risk one doctor rodney mckay would pose to his heart.
  • a dangerous desire, or mckay makes a match
    • all rodney mckay had thought he wanted was to be left alone with his theories and hypotheses. being abducted and meeting the intriguing john sheppard had put paid to that. rodney understood his own desires rather better now, but society's laws and conventions opposed him and sheppard was surely far out of his reach. not to mention the complication of his mysterious abductor…
  • falling slowly
    • things proceed a little different than planned for the expedition when they find the city of the ancients already somewhat occupied. by mermaids. rodney especially doesn't expect one of those mermaids (mermen?) to fixate on him of all people.
sep 15 2020 ∞
nov 23 2022 +