• 0110: receive salary yooooo should buy new shoes ♥
  • 0116: in the flesh canceled by BBC Three which made me so upset
  • 0119: so much things to buy omg help i'm running out of money ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • 0123: apply for new job, start training tomorrow, begin again!
  • 0125: i quit lol. so boring.



  • 0304: i should not waste time on him, i know i shouldn't
  • 0321: the words you said broke my heart to a thounsand pieces, stop playing w/ me and spreading those fucking rumors please, i'm tired. i'm not in the mood for anything tonight.


  • 0402: omg you ruined my very first day of April. please fuck off, i'm not your second plan, never.
  • 0411: he says he likes me but how can i believe you after all these shits?
  • 0421: feeling down for no reason. just need some ice creams. maybe i'll skip my class (again) this evening and go to baskin robbins (without him) lol.


  • 0503: fucking goodbye, asshole. i won't shed a tear for you.
  • 0525: visit Thuy Linh and have a good time. but then i caught a cold.



  • 0711: shopping w/ Duyen, Phuong Anh and Huong at Black Market Weekend and 2daysale ♥
  • 0713: have a picnic at Giang Dien Park w/ my friends from Lotteria. i was tired but the trip is so nice ♥
  • 0718: Duyen and i planned buying some lipsticks at Missha's grand opening but i ended up buying a cleansing foam. it was crowded as fuck and took us 15 minutes to find the lipstick shelves even the store is not that big.
  • 0731: go eating w/ Trang lol why we always eat when we meet idk.


  • 0813: bought a tint lipstick by Etude House and felt disappointed. the color was so bad. red still fits me the best.
  • 0819: i.need.to.buy.the.vans.mikey.NEXT.MONTH (or next week or whenever i want). so obsessed.
  • 0822: having dinner and long talk w/ Phuong Anh.
  • 0829: having dinner w/ Duyên, Phương Anh, Hương at Pizza Hut then going to Urban Station w/ Đức ♥ such a good time.
  • 0830: go drinking w/ high school friends (Mai, Linh, Khanh, Tung etc.). it's been ages since i last saw them. they haven't changed anything: still talkative, a bit crazy and i still can't catch what they say lol (how stupid i am!) it's like i'm in my own world when i'm w/ them, so lost!


  • 0905: today is the beginning of term, my store was near a high school and university, so it was super crowed in my line, fucking tired. (i think i get bored w/ my job. i go to work everyday bc i have nothing to do at home or school, even if i don't have class, i still go to the store just to watch my friends working. my life is boring, isn't it?)
  • 0906: holly shit, he's coming back. why the fuck you have to ruin my perfect day like that? i've been never happy as i was in past 2 months, and now everything will be like 4 months ago, i have to face to you every damn day. urgh, i hate this place so much.
  • 0911: dropped my cellphone at the mart without knowing. just realized when i got home, so i called to my number and a strange guy picked up the phone, he said don't worry, he'll give it back to me. then i rush into the mart even the rain was getting heavy to see him. so happy that he gave it back to me ㅠㅠ i swear i'll be more carefull from now on ㅠㅠ (btw, i'll be working with that bitch again from tomorrow, will i be alright?)
  • 0912: i didn't mean to skip my class today. just planned to buy sth at hello weekend market then back to class but it suddenly rained so heavy, so Nhi and i stoped at I Love Kem and had a long talk til 9pm ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ (anw, today was not bad as i imagined, we didn't talk to each other. hope i won't see you there so long ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ)
  • 0914: my skincare set arrived, it costed 855k omg. hope it'll work for my skin ㅠㅠ
  • 0926: have a farewell party at Xien Que and karaoke Mi Mi w/ Huong, Duyen, Phuong Anh (both young and old ㅎㅎ), Duc, Nhi, Huy, Toan. it was very fun ♥ but i'm sad bc it's time to say goodbye to my peer ㅠㅠ
  • 0927: (another farewell party ㅠㅠㅠㅠ) go drinking w/ Trang, Nhi, Duc and Hoang. we talked and drank so much that i finally got home at 0am ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • 0928: catch a cold.
  • 0929: i'm sick. finished working at 1pm. after waiting for 2 idiots (Phuong Anh & Duyen), i was so tired, so Nhi told Duc take me home.finally got home at 7pm. ugh! how stupid i am!
  • 0930: tell Phuong Anh everything about my troubles whether this is right or wrong decision. i made up my mind already!


  • 1001: got punished because cancellation without notice. no working from now to 10th. what a life!
  • 1003: i was boring all day and didn't plan to go out but still went to the date w/ Phuong Anh & Duyen. we didn't talk much, just ate ramen at a Korean restaurant then had a coffee time at Highland, but i felt so calm. thank you for tonight! my mood gets better now.
  • 1005: the manhwa called DICE is killing me! i just spent a whole day thinking about it!
  • 1007:
    • i hate this kind of felling. Just wish I could make those thoughts disappear forever! Remember: "He doesn't like me. He will never like me. Just give up, stupid!"
    • i need to low the frequency going out, or at least going out w/ Duyen and Phuong Anh. Seeing them makes me feel uncomfortable. It's hard to lie everyday like this.
  • 1013: farewell party w/ all staffs, not only the staffs of my store but also others. it was super boring so i left early. can't stand it even a minute!
  • 1014: i will spend time and take care more of myself from today! no hangouts, no fastfood, no skipping class and less milk-tea. just tired with thinking about the others!
  • 1029: we hold a little birthday for Duc at pizza hut, the staffs was laughing when we brought the bra birthday cake into the room ㅋ it wasn't really fun but i'm satisfied.


  • 1106: having a long talk at the coffee house to celebrate Duyen's birthday.
  • 1107: hangout w/ Duyen & Duc.
  • 1115: shopping w/ Duyen & Nhi at Hello Weekend Market.


  • 3112: goodbye this fucking year! i've been stressed these days so i couldn't even remeber writing anything. now my heart is just so heavy that i want to throw it away. fucking goodbye!
dec 31 2014 ∞
jan 1 2016 +