- 140114 i decide to hate you, because i hate seeing someone have a better life than mine. i hate the fact that now you're doing well w/o me. you used to told me you will throw away your life if i walk away before, now what? this is not the first time i tell myself to leave behind everything, i have a distant future to go on, why should i always carry all those memories? maybe this is the last time i think about you, i'm not a teenager who cry in the corner after breaking up with someone. this love is really over. even though i might falter when I think of you, just wait and see. i’ll definitely show you that i’ve forgotten about you and become a new me.
- 140122 B1A4 Second Win/Lonely First Win (x) (x)
- 140305 my album is arrived ♥
- 140322 missed the concert because i had a mini test T.T
- 140330 finished watching Amazing Store concert at 2am ♥
- 140401 my time of the year, April please be good to me ♥
- 140402 hang out with Trang after a few months ♥
- 140406 even i felt bad these days and my mood was down, i finally realized what i want to do at 2:04am, such a good time ♥ (and i promise to myself i won't waste my youth doing the things i don't want to)
- 140406 the very first rain of the year ♥
- 140413 got a cold T_T
- 140419 11:15pm i will turnn to 21 years old within 45mins and i'll have a lonely birthday tomorrow. lol what do i expect from you careless people...
- 140423 happy 3rd anniversary B1A4 ♥
- 140424 wake up at 1am and can't go back to sleep because of abdominal pains :(
- 140507 i'm tired. i wish i would say how tired i am. i wish i would know how to stop these words in my head. i just want to fall into an empty space and live in it forever.
- 140619 taeyeon dating. it's the worst day ever.
- 140623 my album arrived ♥
- 140829 received letter from someone makes my day terrible, but after going out with friend in the afternoon, i feel better ♥
- 141001 Jessica left GG, which is the most terrible news of the year to me. i have never imagined my ultimate group would be without the girl i love the most... i just don't how to face with that. it's not like I'm sad because they're not OT9 anymore, it's because people keep talking shits about her these days - that's she's a workaholic or she's selfish. i wish they would shut the fuck up because people don't know a single thing about her but act like they know everything. that makes me upset....
- 141016 happy BEAST 5th anniversary
- 141201 got a part-time job... well i just need to do sth so i don't have time to think about other things... or at least, not think about YOU...
jan 5 2014 ∞
dec 31 2014 +