Season Two

  • S02E04 The Phone Message: George leaves several awkward messages on a girlfriend's answering machine, then decides to steal the tape.
  • S02E06 The Statue: A statue wanted by George is stolen from Jerry's apartment by the boyfriend of a writer Elaine is working with.

Season Three

  • S03E06 The Parking Garage: The four get stuck in a parking garage for hours when they forget where they parked.

Season Four

  • S04E08: The Cheever Letters: Jerry offends Elaine's assistant. Kramer makes a contact for Cuban cigars. A box of letters from John Cheever is all that remains after Susan's father's cabin burns down.

Season Five

  • S05E10: The Cigar Store Indian: Jerry is deemed a racist when he purchases a Native American statue for Elaine. Kramer tries to get Elaine's company to publish his coffee table book. Elaine runs into a really creepy man on the subway who steals Frank's TV Guide and follows her to the Costanza's house. Meanwhile, George gets grounded when he has sex with a woman in his parents' bed.
  • S05E12: The Stall: Jerry's new girlfriend and Elaine have an argument at the toilet, unaware of each other's identities. Jerry finds himself in an awkward position, as both parties claim their right on the matter, as well as trying to avoid confrontation between the two.
  • S05E14: The Marine Biologist: George starts dating a college friend who, thanks to Jerry, thinks George is now a marine biologist. Elaine's electronic organizer injures a person after being launched from a limo by a Russian novelist. Kramer decides to golf on the beach.
  • S05E22: The Opposite: George decides to turn his life around by doing the exact opposite of what he would usually do. Elaine is having a lot of bad luck. Jerry keeps breaking even. Kramer gets the coffee table book published.

Season Six

  • S06E09: The Secretary: George gets a secretary, saying he will go for efficiency and smarts rather than beauty. He hires a librarian-esque woman, only to find himself falling in love with her.

Season Eight

  • S08E15: The Susie: Kramer sets his watch an hour ahead. George tries to avoid a breakup with his girlfriend. A colleague keeps calling Elaine, Susie. Jerry gambles on a basketball game, but the bookie can't pay him.
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