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made up of black coffee, untamed hair, and poorly supressed anger.

(Reminder: Last color scheme update: 20/09/2015)

listography NEW NEWS
  • v (thank you for) being there. since the awkward begining and (hopefully) until the very end. for showing me every day why best friends are the best.
  • p (thank you for) putting color into my life with your poems and songs. for appreciating the person I am even with each hole yet to be filled. for being part of one of the most incredible friendship stories I've ever been envolved with.
  • c (thank you for) being the cutest girl I've ever met. I may not mean the cuteness in this phrase, but I mean the cuteness in the way you and I used to have fun. for being my favorite girl. for being a part of my life I didn't expect anyone would be at that time.
  • rr (thank you for) saving me. for being such a genius. for writing songs that not only made my life better, but also helped to build (or as I prefer: to find) the person I am today.
  • f (thank you for) allowing me to meet the poetry inside my soul once again, and especially for allowing me to meet yours before we drifted apart. i hope life's been good to you ever since.
  • l (thank you for) being my soulsister and proving strong friendships can grow from people that look the least like you, but still get your ways like no one else. for sticking with me and never giving up. for simply allowing me to be there as you've been there for me too.
nov 3 2013 ∞
sep 20 2015 +