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Well...this is basically me.
The whole package, sorted into neat little lists that make up all that was and is, me. Making lists is mostly fun, but it's also a way of organising my thoughts, memories and all things random that cloud my mind every day (and especially sleepless nights.)
The human mind contains so much, it's just so huge. Sometimes I fear that important things could get lost somew...

  • When life hands you lemons, make sure you make lemonade like, immediately. Because life is gonna take them from you again. Maybe not now. Maybe not tomorrow. But you are not always gonna have lemons. Life is cruel. Remember that and drink your damn lemonade.
  • Sleeping in means not getting anything done. Don’t think that you can have both. Sleep and work. If you sleep in, the day is gonna be wasted. Doesn’t mean you can’t sleep in as often as you like, I mean sleep is heavenly. Just sayin.
  • The mailman probably thought I was drunk this morning or seriously ill. He had woken me up with the doorbell and I was all unsteady and shaky and white as a sheet. Poor guy.
  • This world is seriously fucked up. I mean, really. Look around. How do we live happily on knowing there are masses of people out there dying of unnatural causes right this second. I causes me to believe that we are slowly becoming soulless automatons that rather talk with machines than care. Just wait. We are getting there.
  • I am NOT getting the following things anytime soon, because I am strange like that and I like it: A blu-ray player. A smartphone. An Ipod. A tablet pc. An e-book. Anything that talks back to me and isn’t a parrot. But I don’t want a parrot either. I’m talking about electronic things.
  • These things would, however, make my life more happy (more or less): A cat. A car or a scooter. An entire dvd collection of all my favourite series. A library. Another cat. My family living in the same town as me, as well as my friends. Not being surrounded by idiots that only want my money. I DON’T HAVE ANY MONEY STUPID TV…LICENSING…PEOPLE!! Everyone outside germany won’t get this. Everyone else, you know who I mean. Leeches.
  • Tumblr is evil. It sucks people in and destroys their lives. Right now I should be working but I have a tool that allows me to spill my guts to the world. And I don’t even care who reads this at all. And it’s keeping me from working. But it’s so much fun.
  • I would rather do all my work in english. I am not a native speaker. But this is a thought that I have from time to time. It would be so much more fun. I’m not saying it would be easier, but I’d like it a lot more. -_-
nov 28 2012 ∞
nov 28 2012 +