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  • Addy: She literally escaped slavery
  • Kaya: She was stolen from her family with her blind sister, taken far away, and had to escape without her blind sister to actually have a chance of survival
  • Caroline: Experienced a war right in her backyard, actually was part of the war efforts such as helping with the cannon and being so close to the battlegrounds, dealt with her dad and cousin being taken capture
  • Nanea: Experienced a war right in her backyard, and had family/friends separated due to the war
  • Felicity: Experienced the death of her grandfather pretty much right in front of her eyes, and also experienced animal abuse in front of her eyes
  • Josefina: Experienced death of her mother at a young age, saw an animal die in front of her eyes, and could not read or write as she was always at her Rancho and was not taught anything besides how to take care of it
  • Kit: Great Depression child, and went to jail
  • Melody: Lived with a lot of privileges, but did suffer from Acute Stress Disorder (according to me) after the church bombing in Birmingham and experienced racism at least once
  • Marie-Grace: Her brother and mom died, she lost her "second brother" due to him having to run off to another area, her father was always away, and she was always moving
  • Samantha: Her parents are dead, however, she lives a VERY privileged life due to her family having money and she was eventually adopted by her uncle and aunt with her best friend
  • Kirsten: Her friend died while they were coming to America very suddenly, and she experienced a trauma of a fire. However, the fire was more her fault and the book had a lot of "suspension of belief."
  • Molly: Her dad is away due to the war, but overall, lives a privileged life
  • Courtney: Her parents are divorced, and dad had to move a few hours away so she doesn't see him as often; She was also bullied pretty severely for being friends with a boy who was HIV-positive
  • Maryellen: She experienced polio, and has a weak leg due to having the illness, and made fun of her disability; She was shut out from her friends due to making friends with an Italian girl; She experiences some sexism; However, she had a good life despite these drawbacks
  • Julie: Her parents are divorced, but dad is close by though he travels a lot for work (usually gets to see him on weekends though); She experiences some mild sexism
  • Cecile: Despite being black, her family was never connected to slavery and she experienced only one insist of racism; She did lose her uncle and experienced the death of her maid but overall lived a privileged life due to her family's wealth and status (however, due to her being black, she had to attend different schools, dances, etc)
  • Rebecca: Her family came from Russia, but by the time she was born, the family was living a decent life. Her cousins came from Russia and Rebecca experienced the hardships of immigrants firsthand through her cousin. She was Jewish, which was dismissed during the holidays but it didn't seem to be a big issue otherwise. She got to experience some pretty cool things such as rescuing her cousin from a ferris wheel, have a part in a silent film, and speak out against bad labor laws.
mar 30 2022 ∞
mar 1 2024 +