user image

「name 」 alfred ˋfredˊ jones
「age 」 s e v e n t e e n years old
「g.i. 」 ftm transgender
「s.o. 」 bisexual ₊ polyamorous

listography NEW NEWS

「name 」 alfred 'fred' jones

┈┈┈┈┈ 〔 alt․ steve 〕

「age 」 seventeen years old

┈┈┈┈┈ 〔 july fourth ₊ cancer 〕

「g.i. 」 ftm transgender

「s.o. 」 bisexual ₊ polyamorous

┈┈┈┈┈ 〔 taken by ivan ₊ vitya 〕

「illnesses 」 bpd ₊ ppd ₊ ptsd

┈┈┈┈┈ 〔 manager of a system 〕

may 20 2017 ∞
jul 4 2017 +

「kin 」

  • 〔 id 〕aph america & cpt america
  • 〔 other 〕 cpt kirk & squid & hounds

please no doubles on my ids! you are perfectly valid and wonderful, but it makes me uncomfortable.

may 20 2017 ∞
sep 1 2017 +

「before you follow 」

please be aware that i am sensitive to being blocked or unfollowed due to ppd and would like to be warned beforehand. i would never require this; however, it can cause me major stress and trigger delusions which have led to isolation in the past. for that reason, if its something minor or something that can be corrected PLEASE just let me know.

〔 dont follow if 〕

  • you fit the usual criteria + terfs
  • you support the cg/l kink community
  • you support pedophiles by any term
  • you support abusive relationships
  • you think bpd = inherently abusive
  • you are a double of any of our ids

〔 ask to follow if 〕

may 20 2017 ∞
sep 1 2017 +

「system 」

the collective system is reffered to as the franklin system and is a multiplicity meaning we are seperate people in one body. we are a trauma based system and have no original member. there are four active members and two members who have since faded though we still recognize.

〔 fred 〕

  • manager of system
  • info here is his
  • mainly at front

〔 johnny 〕

  • communicator
  • tumblr is silvercitys
  • second main to front
  • sometimes age slides
  • id is 2p america

〔 napoleon 〕

may 20 2017 ∞
jul 4 2017 +