• when I was 2, I learned about the importance of a toy
  • when I was 3, I learned that fall hurts
  • when I was 4, I learned how nice is a hug from mom
  • when I was 5, I learned that not all can be fixed with a whimper
  • when I was 6, I learned It's always better to be the young brother than the older
  • when I was 7, I learned that hurts more a word than a coup
  • when I was 8, I learned that the promises are not always followed
  • When I was 9, I learned that the parents aren’t always right
  • When I was 10, I learned that the teacher will always ask me what I don’t know
  • When I was 11, I learned how importance are the friends of childhood
  • When I was 12, I learned that study is horribly necessary
  • When I was 13, I learned that I can fall in love with two and three boys at once
  • When I was 14, I learned that the lies grow too fast
  • When I was 15, I learned how I hate the Research Project
  • When I was 16, I learned that if I have problems in school, I have bigger ones at home
  • When I was 17, I learned about how difficult is to take an important decision about your future
  • When I was 18, I learned that to get what you want you need so much effort, instead of so much lucky
  • When I was 19, I learned that kids don't do bullying because they're immature. There are mature people out there that keep treating other people like shit.
  • When I was 20, I learned how hard is to live far from the ones you love.
  • When I was 21, I learned that everyone has deffects, adn you have to try to fix them, but don't obses with them
  • When I was 22, I learned that love is not exclusive
apr 18 2013 ∞
may 21 2018 +