- Hear
- the waves crashing on the shore
- someone playing the guitar
- a match to light up
- the laughter of the children
- the birds singing in the middle of the city
- when you open a can of soda
- Songs that remind me of summer
- Turning book pages
- See
- a starry sky
- bright colored clothes
- someone painting or drawing
- Hot guys
- The city streets lights of Christmas
- Smell
- Coffe
- Made bread newly
- lavender
- Pages of an old book
- Feel
- Kisses on the neck
- Hugs of the people I love
- wool sweater on cold days
- The wind on my face
- Someone stroking my hair
- Taste
- Nutella
- The lips of a beautiful boy
- cold water
- watermelon
- Pizza with hot melted cheese
mar 5 2013 ∞
may 31 2013 +