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  • The "Ruh-Ruh" Dream

My friends and I had a habit of making fun of this boy, Anthony. He didn't shower and he was annoying. Ironically, they all ended up going out with him. I don't understand it. Anyway, we always had our Anthony jokes. After a while, I realized I was the only one making them. They had gone stale. Everybody liked Anthony now.

So I had this dream about being in the school cafeteria where everyone was there forming a sort of mob. They were all angry at me for making Anthony jokes. Somehow I ended up in this room with Mr. Pauly, my math teacher and Mr. Gerloch, my science teacher. It was an office. On the ceiling was my friend Maida, looking as if she had just stepped out of the game Drakengard. Furiae, one of the game's characters, turns into this freaky hybrid of an angel and a scorpion in one of the alternate endings. This was Maida. Mr. Pauly had his hands on his belly, laughing uncontrollably while Mr. Gerloch repeated "You were ruh-ruh." (He said Ruh-Ruh since he supposedly didn't have it in him to say the word wrong.) I was horrified and woke up determined never again to say another Anthony joke.

may 27 2011 ∞
feb 10 2012 +