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Ugh, I don't quite know what to write here. This account mostly is for personal use since I'm a listomaniac who use this site for storing my favourite names. You could consider visiting my blog in the link down below below.

listography NEW NEWS


  • Ask (the first human being along with Embla, the two of them are the equivalent of Adam and Eve)
  • Baldr (or Balder/Baldur; the God of beauty, innocence, peace, and rebirth; husband of Nanna; father of Forseti)
  • Bragi (or Brage; the God of poetry, music and the harp; husband of Iðunn; his death started Ragnarok)
  • Byggvir (the God of Barley)
  • Earendel (or Aurvandil; demi-God and inspiration for Tolkien's Earendil)
  • Fenris (or Fenrir/Fenrisulfr; wolf-monster-son of Loki)
  • Forseti (God of justice, peace and truth; son of Balder and Nanna)
  • Freyr (or Frey/Freyr; God of fertility; son of Njord; twin-brother of Freyja; husband of Gerð)
  • Heimdallr (or Heimdall/Gullintani; guardian of Ásgarð)
  • Hermóðr (or Hermod; heroic son of Odin)
  • Höðr (or Hoder/Hodhr/Hodur; blind God associated with winter)
  • Kvasir (God of knowledge and diplomacy)
  • Loki (or Loke; God of mischief and lies; wife of Sigyn; father of Hel, Fenrir and Jörmungandr)
  • Magni (or Magne; name meaning "strong"; God of strength; son of Thor and Járnsaxa; brother of Móði)
  • Máni (God of Moon; brother of Sol)
  • Mímir (Óðinn's uncle whose head was chopped off)
  • Móði (or Modi; name meaning "angry"; son of Thor; brother of Magni)
  • Njörðr (or Njord; God of sea, wind, fish and wealth; husband of Skadi; father of Freyr and Freyja)
  • Óðinn (or Gangleri/Odin/Odinn/Othinn/Vak/Valtam; the Allfather of all gods and the ruler of Asgard)
  • Thor (or Donar; God of thunder and battle; the namesake of Thursdays; son of Óðinn and Jord; husband of Sif; father of Thrúd, Magni and Móði)
  • Tyr (Norse God of war and skies)
  • Ullr (Norse God of winter, hunting, hand-to-hand combat and the willow tree; name meaning 'glory'; son of Sif; husband of Skaði)
  • Váli (or Vali; Norse God of revenge; son of Óðinn and Rindr; twin brother f Baldr)
  • (Norse God of the seas; brother of Óðinn and Vili)
  • Víðarr (or Vidar; Norse God of forest, revenge and silence; son of Óðinn and Grid)
  • Vili (Norse God; name meaning 'will'; brother of Óðinn and Vé)


  • Alruna (or Ölrun; Norse Valkyrie)
  • Astrild (the Norse equivalent of Amor or Cupid)
  • Baduhenna (Goddess of war)
  • Beyla (wife of Byggvir; servant of Freyr; name meaning either 'cow', 'bean' or 'bee')
  • Blid (handmaiden of Freyja; name meaning 'gentle')
  • Brynhildr (or Brunhild/Brünnhilde/Sigrdrífa; Germanic Valkyrie)
  • Dis (Goddess of the Disablot)
  • Eir (Goddess of healing and Norse Valkyrie; only taught her wisdom of herbs to other females; name meaning 'help' or 'mercy')
  • Elli (Goddess of old age)
  • Embla (the first human being along with Ask, the two of them are the equivalent of Adam and Eve)
  • Eostre (or Eastra/Ostara; Goddess of spring, and the namesake of easter)
  • Freyja (or Frea/Freja/Freya/Frøya; Goddess of love, fertility and battle; daughter of Njord; twin-sister of Freyr; wife of Óðr)
  • Frigg (or Frigga; Goddess of marriage and motherhood; wife of Óðinn)
  • Fulla (Frigg's handmaid)
  • Gefjun (or Gefion; Goddess of fertility and plough)
  • Geiravör (Norse Valkyrie; name meaning 'spear-goddess')
  • Gerd (or Gerda/Gerdhr; the Earth Goddess of Fertility)
  • Gersemi (daughter of Freyja and Óðr; name meaning 'treasure')
  • Hariasa (Germanic Goddess)
  • Hel (Norse Goddess; ruler of the realm of the dead, Neifelheim; daughter of Loki and Angrboda)
  • Hlín (Goddess of consolation and protection; one of Frigg's guardians)
  • Hnoss (daughter of Freyja and Óðr; name meaning 'treasure')
  • Iðunn (or Idunn; Goddess of youth; guarder of the golden apples; wife of Bragi)
  • Jörð (or Fjorgyn/Fjörgyn/Hlodyn/Jord; the personification of the earth; wife of Óðinn, mother of Thor)
  • Kára (Norse Valkyrie; name meaning either 'the wild, stormy one' or 'the curly one')
  • Laga (allegedly Goddess of wells and springs; probably identical to Laha, the Celtic Goddess of wells and springs)
  • Lofn (Goddess of forbidden loves)
  • Mist (Norse Valkyrie; name meaning 'cloud' or 'mist')
  • Nanna (Goddess of joy and peace; wife of Baldr; mother of Forseti)
  • Nerthus (Germanic Goddess of fertility)
  • Njörun (Norse Goddess)
  • Rán (Norse Goddess of the sea)
  • Róta (Norse Valkyrie; name meaning 'sleet and storm')
  • Sága (Norse Goddess of poetry and the runes;
  • Sif (Norse Goddess of battle; name meaning 'affinity'; wife of Thor; mother of Thrúd and Ullr)
  • Sigrún (Norse Valkyrie)
  • Sjöfn (Norse Goddess of love)
  • Skaði (or Skadi; Norse Goddess of hunting and skiing; wife of Njord and later Ullr)
  • Snotra (Norse Goddess of prudence and wisdom)
  • Sol (or Sunna; Goddess of Sun; sister of Máni)
  • Thrúd (or Þrúðr/Thrud; Norse Goddess of heath, willows, trees, flowers and grass; daughter of Thor and Sif)
  • Tanfana (Germanic Goddess of the Istvaeones)
  • Vár (Norse Goddess of promises and agreements)
  • Verdandi (Norse female deity; name meaning 'what is')
  • Vör (Norse Goddess of wisdom; name meaning 'the careful one')
  • Zisa (or Cisa; Germanic Goddess)
aug 4 2013 ∞
jan 11 2014 +