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Ugh, I don't quite know what to write here. This account mostly is for personal use since I'm a listomaniac who use this site for storing my favourite names. You could consider visiting my blog in the link down below below.

listography NEW NEWS


  • Aegnor (meaning either 'Sharp Flame' or 'Fell Fire'; the youngest son of Finarfin and Eärwen of Alqualondë)
  • Angrod (meaning 'iron champion'; a Ñoldorin elf; the third son of Finarfin and Eärwen of Alqualondë; husband of Eðellos; father of Arothir)
  • Aragorn (the 16th Chieftain of the Dúnedain of the North, the 26th King of Arnor, and the 35th King of Gondor and First High King of the Reunited Kingdom; son of Arathorn II and Gilraen; husband of Arwen Undómiel; father of Eldarion)
  • Artamir (meaning 'fortress-jewel'; the lost heir of Ondoher; elder son and heir of King Ondoher of Gondor)
  • Boromir (meaning 'faithful jewel'; eldest son of Steward Denethor II of Gondor and Finduilas)
  • Celeborn (Lord of Lothlórien; son of Galadhon; wife of Galadriel; father of Celebrían)
  • Eärendil (meaning 'sea-lover'; the Mariner; a great seafarer; son of Tuor and Idril; husband of Elwing; father of Elrond and Elros)
  • Eldarion (King of the Reunited Kingdoms of Gondor and Arnor; son of Aragorn II and Arwen Undómiel)
  • Elessar (high title and surname of Aragorn II)
  • Elfwine (meaning 'elf-friend'; the Fair; Rohan’s nineteenth King; son of Éomer Éadig and Lothíriel)
  • Elladan (meaning 'elf-man'; son of Elrond and Celebrían)
  • Elrohir (meaning 'elf-knight'; son of Elrond and Celebrían)
  • Elrond (meaning 'Elf of the Cave'; Master of Rivendell; son of Eärendil and Elwing; husband of Celebrían; father of Arwen Undómiel, Elrohir and Elladan)
  • Éomer (probably meaning 'horse-famous'; Éadig; King of Rohan; son of Éomund of Eastfold and Théodwyn; wife of Lothíriel; father of Elfwine)
  • Éomund (from Old English words meaning 'horse' and 'protector'; of Eastfold; husband of Théodwyn; father of Éomer and Éowyn)
  • Faramir (last of the Ruling Stewards; son of Steward Denethor II of Gondor and Finduilas; husband of Éowyn; father of Elboron)
  • Felagund (Dwarvish name of Finrod; meaning 'Hewer of Caves')
  • Finarfin (a Ñoldorin Elf of Valinor; the fairest and wisest of Finwë's sons; son of Finwë and Indis; husband of Eärwen of Alqualondë; father of Finrod, Orodreth, Angrod, Aegnor and Galadriel)
  • Finrod (Felagund; meaning 'Mighty descendant of Finwë'; a Ñoldorin elf; the eldest son of Finarfin and Eärwen of Alqualondë)
  • Gandalf (meaning 'wand elf'; The Grey Pilgrim)
  • Lórien (meaning 'god of dreams'; the gardens of Valinor; a noble title of Galadriel; a title of Celeborn)
  • Mithrandir (meaning 'Grey Wanderer'; the Elvish name of Gandalf)
  • Olwë (lord of the Teleri in Aman; father of Eärwen)
  • Ondoher (one of the last Kings of Gondor; son of Calimehtar; father of Artamir, Faramir and Fíriel)
  • Orodreth (a Ñoldorin elf of the First Age; the second son of Finarfin and Eärwen of Alqualondë; father of Finduilas)
  • Samwise (meaning 'half-wise'; servant and companion of Frodo Baggins; son of Hamfast Gamgee and Bell Goodchild; husband of Rose Cotton; father of Elanor Gamgee, Frodo Gardner, Rose Gamgee, Merry Gamgee, Pippin Gamgee, Goldilocks Gamgee, Hamfast Gamgee, Daisy Gamgee, Primrose Gamgee, Bilbo Gamgee, Ruby Gamgee, Robin Gamgee and Tolman Gamgee)
  • Thengel (from Old English Þengel, meaning 'King' or 'Prince'; King of Rohan; son of Fengel; husband of Morwen Steelsheen; father of Théoden and Théodwyn)
  • Théoden (meaning 'ruler'; King of Rohan who rode to the War of the Ring; son of King Thengel of Rohan and Morwen Steelsheen; husband of Elfhild; father of Théodred)
  • Théodred (probably meaning 'counsel of the people'; the lost heir of King Théoden; son of King Théoden of Rohan and Elfhild)


  • Alatáriel (Quenya/Telerin name of Galadriel)
  • Almarian (Queen of Númenor during the early Second Age)
  • Artanis (the father-name of Galadriel, meaning 'noble woman')
  • Arwen (Evenstar; Queen of the Reunited Kingdom of Arnor and Gondor; Lady of Rivendell; daughter of Elrond and Celebrían; wife of Aragorn II; mother of Eldarion)
  • Celebrían (Lady of Lothlórien and a Lady of Rivendell; daughter of Celeborn and Galadriel; wife of Elrond; mother of Arwen Undómiel, Elrohir and Elladan)
  • Eärwen (meaning 'sea-maiden'; the silver-haired daughter of Olwë of the Teleri; wife of Finarfin; mother of Finrod, Orodreth, Angrod, Aegnor and Galadriel)
  • Elanor (Elvish flower name meaning 'sun-star'; the eldest child of Samwise Gamgee and Rose Cotton; wife of Fastred of Greenholm; mother of Elfstan Fairbairn and Fíriel)
  • Elwing (meaning 'star-spray'; daughter of Dior Eluchíl and Nimloth; wife of Eärendil the Mariner; mother of Elrond and Elros)
  • Éowyn (from Old English words probably meaning éo 'horse' and wyn 'joy'; Shieldmaiden of the Rohirrim; daughter of Éomund of Eastfold and Théodwyn; wife of Faramir; mother of Elboron)
  • Evenstar (meaning 'Evening Star', a reference to her grandfather Eärendil, sailing the skies with a Silmaril on his brow; title of Arwen Undómiel)
  • Fíriel (Queen to Arvedui Last-king; daughter of King Ondoher of Gondor; wife of Arvedui; mother of Aranarth)
  • Galadriel (Sindarin name meaning 'Maiden Crowned by a Radiant Garland'; co-ruler and Lady of Lothlórien; daughter of Finarfin and Eärwen; wife of Celeborn; mother of Celebrían)
  • Lothíriel (probably meaning either 'flower-garland' or 'flower-maiden'; Queen to Éomer Éadig; daughter of Imrahil; wife of Éomer; mother of Elfwine)
  • Morwen (meaning 'black haired maiden'; Steelsheen of Lossarnach; wife of King Thengel of Rohan; mother of Théoden and Théodwyn)
  • Nerwen (the mother-name of Galadriel, meaning 'man-maiden')
  • Niënor (daughter of Húrin and Morwen; sister of Túrin Turambar)
  • Silmariën (founder of the line of the Lords of Andúnië from which the Kings of Gondor and Arnor are descended; royal ancestor of the Lords of Andúnië; eldest child of the fourth King of Númenor, Tar-Elendil; wife of Elatan; mother of Valandil)
  • Théodwyn (from Old English word probably meaning théod, 'people' and wyn, 'joy'; daughter of King Thengel of Rohan and Morwen Steelsheen; wife of Éomund; mother of King Éomer Éadig of Rohan and Éowyn)
  • Undómiel (meaning 'Evening Star' but usually rendered poetically as 'Evenstar'; title and surname of Arwen)
  • Valinor (meaning 'Land of the Valar'; The Land of the Powers)
nov 2 2013 ∞
apr 28 2014 +