Hiya I'm Oliver but you can call me Bucky, Shaun, Ravenpaw or really any of my kin names! I'm a nonbinary boy who is demisexual and panromantic! I live in California right by the beach! I am an aspiring animal psychologist, artist and animator, specifically character design and storyboarding. For hobbies I do art obviously and love hockey! Also reading, studying animal behavior and mental health, and watching movies or tv! I'm honestly just a big awkward dork ahaha


Birthday: May 10th 2003

Birth sign: Taurus

True sign: Cancer (Cano)

God Teir: Page of Heart

Moon: Derse

Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw

Ivlermorny house: Pukwudgie

Patronus: St. Bernard/Bat

apr 13 2018 ∞
apr 14 2018 +