Marty Smiths's listography
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a hell of his making 12500 obsidienne
a logical match 22000 walkandtalk ***
a long-standing union 14200 whatalchemy ***
a monument to all your sins 9600 sinestrated
a sequence that you never learned 64600 annataylor
alien anatomy 14000 sangwin
among the clouds 27000 museaway ***
and then i let it go 106000 kianspo ***
antigravity 9700 sinestrated
armchair psychology 3500 bigmamag
as you wish 28300 writeonclara **
asymptote 5900 tahariel
bang a gong 22700 waketosleep
blue fields 22600 werewolvesarereal
bluebird 7100 waldorph ***
cast out fear 42300 AU somersprossen
cause and effect 14100 ragdoll
chains of command 9900 whatifimamermaid ***
chess, and other aphrodisiacs 30300 obsidienne
count sheep 4000 yeaka
counteractive measures 9200 rikkeleonhart
decimation 8700 waldorph ***
definitions 3100 werewolvesarereal
echolocation 8500 darksknight
entering orbit 30900 museaway
feelings are boring 22300 lazulisong ***
forty-five hours in riverside 5800 museaway
fulfilling the needs of the one (or the both) 8700 plaidshirtjimkirk
good morning 1100 irelando
helloooo, nurse! 9300 AU lalazee
high water 7400 spqr
how i stopped worrying and learned to love science 2700 museaway
how we are (but not how we're going to be) 35900 alphahydra
hurricane 6300 sinestrated
i know you better 4600 caitycat
i'm stuck on you 1500 heeroluva
inside the river 44500 yeaka ***
jealous orbits 5000 dreamlittleyo
just one more (it couldn't hurt) 2500 summerofspock
knitting lessons 4600 blcwriter **
like blood, the stars 38700 startrex
living on the promise in your last kiss 14900 dreamlittleyo ***
love story 8600 waldorph ***
love the one you're with 37200 1lostone ***
magpie 57600 AU waldorph ***
master of a nothing place 6600 strzyga
measure of happiness 38300 writeonclara
miscommunication 3400 sinestrated
much more love than you've shown 2900 annataylor
my beautiful human 12200 ladytauriel
my boy builds coffins 2600 waldorph
next best destiny 58200 AU rabidchild67
ni'var 11300 AU werewolvesarereal
not in love song 2800 waldorph
not once but always 6200 estelares
nothing else matters 13500 almagloriosa
objective data 22400 AU walkandtalk
of androgens and things 2900 suyari
on restless pinions 23000 whatalchemy
papers in the roadside 49700 AU kianspo ***
please don't touch the vulcans 17700 museaway ***
post tenebras lux 2700 jouissant
powder 4800 whatalchemy
proportional derivatives 5400 tardigradeschool **
pyromania 9700 sinestrated
red shift 10200 janepotter **
rhadamanthus 6100 spqr ***
ride that into the sunset 3100 waldorph ***
science blues 14800 museaway ***
she's the one that they call old whatsername 9900 kaydeefalls ***
signed, sealed, delivered (i'm yours) 10900 kianspo ***
so much for gravity 14200 regann
something smart to do 21300 kianspo ***
sotto voce 16000 sinestrated
spaceman 3700 treksfromlastnight
sticky fingers 2100 estuaryorange
still life 39900 dogpoet
strive seek find yield 68200 waldorph ***
take this sinking boat (and point it home) 6700 sinestrated
the bond 21700 whatifimamermaid ***
the broken road 5600 sinestrated
the cleverness of me 10700 screamlet ***
the comfort you drew (from the light of the stars) 5300 tardigradeschool ***
The Genetic Soap Opera (or, One of the Less Dignified Royal Weddings) 6100 waketosleep
the handmaid of genius 3000 ladyblahblah
the one time when jim and spock met their daughter from the future 7400 pristineungift
the passing of fire into the blood 121000 backinblack
the sense of touch 2400 t3po
the sound of you (was all i'd hear) 6300 tardigradeschool ***
the third wheel 16600 littlebirdtold
the walls between us 12900 museaway
the warp and weft of your being 7700 tardigradeschool ***
these things tend to get messy 5200 whatifimamermaid
this is how you remind me 6300 kianspo
this is what happens when you save earth, apparently 5400 werewolvesarereal
through blind men's eyes 45900 ladyblahblah ***
through chekov's eyes 13900 littlebirdtold
tiny 15200 mehguh
translating ennoia 7700 werewolvesarereal
treasures 17700 yeaka
vocalisation (or, a lack of it) 2000
vulcans are fangirls too 10800 jouissant
weekend lover 30000 valiantbarnes (cimilia) **
what we don't say (or the epic wedding of jim and spock) 5200 museaway
wherein kirk swears that the "T" doesn't stand for thickheaded 8600 jadedragoness
with my feet toward the stars (let me remember you as you were when you existed) 33300 kariye
you'll get there in the end (it just takes a while) 33400 seperis ***
your first time should be special 6600 helenish ***
your heart's sudden but inevitable betrayal 9800 whatifimamermaid ***
may 23 2022 ∞
may 23 2022 +