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I'm more comfortable interacting with mutuals only, so I try to keep my following/follower ratio equal. I'll follow back if we share similar interests.

Also, some things you may want to know before following!

  • My tweets are in Spanish, sorry for not speaking English too much.
  • I usually tweet a lot, but some days I barely tweet.
  • I RT a lot.

And don't follow if:

(You know, the basic)

  • You're gonna permanently mute me (honestly just unfollow).
  • You are really religious
  • You are transphobic, homophobic, racist, etc.
  • You dislike/hate my favorites characters or shipps, I (seldom) talk about them and I don't want to make you uncomfortable.
  • You hate my friends. Seriously, I don't want that kind of people and I don't want to make you uncomfortable, again.

If these things bothers you, don't follow. But you are feel free to follow/unfollow. It's your decision!

oct 11 2016 ∞
apr 15 2019 +