• became financially independent
  • made a fool out of myself by ordering a vietnamese drip and not knowing how to drink it
  • made solo sunday brunches a thing (for the first few weeks, at least)
  • started wearing glasses again
  • relearned the piano
  • met sarah kay & phil kaye
  • was invited to speak at a youth org event
  • had my work published on rambutan literary
  • put up ikea shelves (album exhibition, book ladder) in my room
  • went to dufan, twice (wore the same outfit both times, stayed past closing time the 2nd time because i misplaced syania's mukena)
  • slept over at dinda's, like, 5 times or something (all those uber trips to bintaro essence)
  • went to taman safari with cindy, ina, nita, tirza
  • started following my own skincare routine
  • traveled to seoul (with the best coworkers), manila (saw bangtan for the 3rd time), singapore (1st a family trip, 2nd a ridiculous decision to experience uss halloween nights), malang (baso bakar for life), kl (why does everything feel so much cheaper), jogja (factory visit), lampung (flavoured banana chips)
  • received my own health insurance for the first time
  • bought my first ever android phone
  • played mystic messenger (zen route 5ever)
  • got over my dislike for spicy food, actually quite in love with them now
  • crashed at lesley's apartment
  • met up with vern (after 2 years) for a day out at haji lane, and a few weeks later for breakfast at changi's mcd
  • hosted aimie at my place for an entire weekend, made her eat indonesian food
  • met other tlist friends: nini, kee, ginny, aimee, angel, rissa (twice!), penny, korinne
  • went to a shinee concert
  • bought too many books than i know how to deal with
  • came to understand (and follow) the obsession behind lip products
  • went paintballing, actually won
  • ate jaffa cakes again after 3 whole years
  • didn't drop out of any fic exchanges i'd signed up for, did ask for extensions though
  • wrote <8k words' worth of fic, more than i had churned out in the past 5 years alone
  • had my credit card application approved
  • hired my own interns
  • resigned from a job i loved but unfortunately couldn't satisfy my marketing nerd needs
  • had too many of sbux's beef sausage & cheese croissants throughout nov-dec
  • learned many things the hard way, specifically "don't make decisions out of fear"
  • picked up the art of being happy for someone else
  • ❤ landed my dream job ❤
  • finally moved on, and forgave
jan 3 2016 ∞
jun 28 2017 +