list icon
  • girly phase - was into ballet, stickers, loved pink
  • anime phase - watched Ranma, Dragon Ball Z, You're Under Arrest, Evangelion, Oh My Goddess
  • soccer phase - i thought soccer was the coolest thing
  • senti phase - yaaak! i listened to david pomeranz and all that other sappy stuff. admit it, kayo din!!
  • Disney phase - was sooo into Disney movies/cartoons
  • hip hop phase - listened to Nas, Tupac, Bone Thugs & Harmony etc.
  • angsty/rebellious phase - i was emo before there was such a thing! haha
  • metal rock phase - listened to Korn and Drowning Pool. hahaha!
  • environmentalist phase- collected and recycled just about everything
  • self-help phase -even before The Secret came along. heh! i attribute the turnaround of my life to Oprah and the many many episodes of her show that i watched
  • faerie/fantasy phase - was into faeries and folklore
  • fangirl phase - very, very, very active in fandom and forums, even tried to save a show once. hahahaha!
  • british phase - obsessed with the anglos
  • lit snob phase - obsessive over literature
  • alcoholic phase - haha! i thought being a girl who could drink a lot was the epitome of cool. nyahahaha. now, i get tipsy after one glass of wine/beer, etc. =P
  • indie snob phase - was very snobbish towards anything mainstream
  • frenchie lover phase - was obsessed with anything French
  • advertising wannabe phase - the first stage in my post-college life
  • business phase - went to seminars about business, finance, and getting rich. hehehe.
  • political/advocacy phase - studied polsci, followed international politics and issues, but it was tiring and depressing. i couldn't (and still can't) detach myself from issues. i'm too emotional for that world.
  • now, I'm just me. whoever that is =)
jun 8 2008 ∞
jun 14 2008 +