Hello! Thank you again for taking the time to read this.

You can call me either Gala or Galaxie; I'll share my real name if we're very close friends. I'm mixed/multi raced (Puerto Rican, black & white) and I identify as non-binary. I use they/them/their pronouns. The only time I may be referred to she/her is with intermediate family (mainly my older sister and parents and extended), so I ask not to give them major grief.

It may take a while for me to open up due to anxiety; my apologies as I am working on that to a manageable level. I also sometimes get hit with bouts of depression that may make me close off for weeks at a time, and I'm also working on that.

Besides those setbacks, I do love to talk to people that share my interests! Those would be in the extra section.

My major goal right now is to get myself mentally stable in order to be independent and live on my own; that mainly includes being on a good schedule, learning to drive and properly take care of myself, and move into an apartment. Long term goals include publishing some comics and games and making animated shorts. Ultra goals include either living in San Diego, Chicago or New York and traveling to Japan.

jan 4 2017 ∞
nov 30 2018 +