• Where can you be contacted?

Tumblr: https://galrakeithzine.tumblr.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/galrakeithzine

Email: galrakeithzine@gmail.com

• What is the zine about?

The theme of this zine is "Galra Keith". All art/writing pieces are mainly based on Keith (Voltron Legendary Defender) and about him being half Galra.

• Are there limits to the genre of art/writing?

There are no limitations except artists and writers are encouraged to make sure that their pieces are based off the main theme - Keith and his relation to being half Galra. Other than that, go wild!

Please keep the artworks and writings at PG-15 and avoid going NSFW. Wounds, scars and blood etc are fine but nothing too gory!

Ships are, unfortunately, discouraged as the zine focuses on Keith. However, other characters can still appear in the zine, just not as a romantic partner. If you have any questions or are unsure of something, do contact me!

For artworks, please try to have at least a simple background drawn or else the piece may turn out to be too dull and not stand out in the zine.

• Is it a must for artworks be digital?

Yes, it will be easier to manage and create the zine with digital artworks.

• Is there a limit for art/writing submissions?

Artists have a maximum limit of 2 pieces per person. This includes collab pieces as well. A 2 paged comic will count as one piece.

Writers have a word count of 500 to 5,000 words for each piece.

• Artwork sizes?

The zine will be around 8" length x 11" height in size, (slightly smaller than A4) so artworks should be around that size for it to fit inside the book. If not, adjustments may need to be made and this may affect the original quality of the artwork.

Please leave a 1" bleed space on all sides of your artwork.

• Are artists allowed to draw comics?

Yes! Do feel free to make a mini comic if you're interested in doing so. The only limitation for comics is the number of pages - minimum 2 full pages and maximum 4 full pages.

A 4 paged comic will be counted as 2 pieces of artwork.

• Can artists and writers collab with other in the zine?

Of course! All collabs are allowed - artist&artist, writer&writer, artist&writer.

However, please do inform me if you plan on doing so. This is so I may organise the zine and make sure that the pieces are beside each other as well as give the appropriate credit to each artist/writer.

• Can we post our WIPs/zine pieces online?

Yes! You may post your WIPs/zine pieces but please crop it and avoid showing too many spoilers. I want the final zine to be as much of a surprise as possible for those who want to buy it.

• Will there be any extras for the zine? (keychains, stickers etc.)

Yes, the zine will have extras that will be included in bundles.

• How many artists/writers will there be?

As of now, there are around 50 artists and 7 writers.

• What printing company will be used?

I will be using http://www.photobook.com.my/ to print the books. I have ordered from them before and the quality is good.

•What shipping company will be used?

Two different shipping companies will be used: Pos Malaysia International Mail and UPS. Both courier services can ship internationally. UPS ships faster than PMI but it is more expensive. PMI prices range from $5 to $15. UPS prices range from $15 to $25

• Will the zine be for profit or charity?

The GalraKeithZine’s profits will all be for charity. The organization we will be donating to is Shelterbox! Check them out here! https://www.shelterbox.org/

• Will artists and writers be able to purchase the zine when preorders open?

Of course! In fact, all participants will be able to get a copy of the zine for free!

jul 3 2017 ∞
aug 27 2017 +