- 07.31.12 | 4:12 am pepe lozano accepted my friend req + replied to my message
- 09.27.12 the first time amy okuda ever tweeted me (tweeted me again 10.23.12 )
- 10.08.12 chelsea fagan faved my tweet
- 10.24.12 big bang concert (alive tour); it wasn't a concert, though, it was more of a party ♥ (watched with mom + tita mean + pao (tita mean's daughter))
- 10.26.12 the first time randal flowers tweeted me ♥ (tweeted me again 10.27.12 )
- 10.30.12 bubble tea club house crash ♥
- 11.02.12 | 5:53 pm my image was added to the survive 5 photowall :D
- 11.13.12 ming rt-ed my tweet :D
- 01.19.13 dream kpop fantasy concert ♥♥♥
- 01.26.13 discovered so much good music hot damn ♥
- 01.10.15 had my first official boyfriend ♥
- 12.25.15 my first breakup
oct 27 2012 ∞
jan 20 2016 +