• I remembered being paranoid and delusional alot..
  • After trying to get with Christine and failing. I just went back to admiring her but sticking to being friends while she dates everyone.
  • I remember finding Michael in the bathroom crying after he ignored my calls at a party. I had to comfort him in the tub and tell him about good times.
  • That's when I kinda saw him differently, like as an love interst. But one once more, I thought he would be like Christine so I shut up.
  • We fell asleep in the tub.
  • we started to hang out more, going to parties together.
  • I remember he had another episode, once again finding him in the bathroom. I was highly intoxicated this time.
  • I saw he hurt him and instantly got protective.
  • He kept claiming no one wanted him and that when I kissed him then ran off before he could yell at me ¿Which he didn't even yell at me?
  • We don't talk for two days until I called him up to apologize for kissing him and Michael said he didn't mind or even care.
  • He invited me over while his parents went somewhere to vacation at.
  • We ended up getting high together, he actually confess how he liked me kissing him?
  • I asked if he wanted me to do it again, and he said yes.
  • This time, he seemed abit more eager about it.
  • I stayed the whole time his parents were gone.
  • The whole time we were played video games, eating snacks, smoking, and kissing ¿making out?
  • It took a couple of weeks before Michael asked me out.
  • He asked me to be his player two forever.
jul 21 2017 ∞
jul 21 2017 +