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graeson / grae . 23 . he / him

characters: tsubaki, gerome, cherche

i am graeson and i am the resident dad of gw. i like coffee, cats and i cosplay sometimes. i have lots of adult experience, so never hesitate to ask me about taxes or a job, or dealing with shit parents. i've been through it all. i never shut up about lizards. bilingual english/german.

mod roles: inbox, au weekend organizing, activity checks, event planning, page/theme maker, record keeper


aug 27 2016 ∞
jun 24 2017 +
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jay / aj . 19 . he / they

characters: leo, olivia, gray

heya! im jay, and im the head mod of gw! im currently in college but i make an effort to check in frequently. somehow i've become a parody of myself in my daily life and deserve every drag the group chat puts on me. i like puzzles and riddles lots! also, no matter what i say or what anyone else says, know that i hold nothing but unadulterated loathing for leo.

mod roles: leading, event organizing, worldbuilding, delegating tasks, twitter updates


aug 27 2016 ∞
aug 2 2017 +
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tali . 20 . he / she / they

characters: ryouma, kiragi, shura

ay, im tali. im currently a student in fashion school but between that and cosplay or whatever else im up to i generally never sleep. im around as much as i can be and like to talk a lot, sorry ahead of time. fe is my passion and bane on my being. general delight and menace.

OUGI! this was the placehold text here until i could write my bio but i just want to keep it around.

mod roles: inbox, post writer, activity checks, event planning


feb 12 2017 ∞
aug 2 2017 +