
  • “you can’t save something that you don’t love. some part of the bible says something like that.” - cavalry
  • "Crazy pancakes" us on a park. "Crazy pancakes" us on a hospital. "Crazy pancakes" us on our favorite dining place. "Crazy pancakes" on our own place, in bed right before our breathings turn more silent. I like that no one understands that but you. - the lover's dictionary
  • some love is too strong for the world. - i still taste the salt of your shoulders
  • Only that it sounded so different because he was trying hard not to cry and it was sort of like a whisper, all shushed and painful. All innocent like a kid wanting to be patted on the head. - the broken trilogy
  • Say our father, who art in heaven, let me taste pomegranate again, let me not apologize for what we did, let me in his kingdom, his honorary place, worship his body, his temple bones, say amen amen amen, again and again. - ode
  • how things didn’t end with that at all. taehyung saying “but you know my love costs more than 20 bucks.” and jeongguk insists on saying 'i know but for now give me a smoke’ but couldn’t because he ran out of words. taehyung is smoking beside him and he stares long enough for taehyung to notice, for taehyung to say 'okay, i’d share this one with you. open your mouth.’ and jeongguk does what he’s told. taehyung comes close to him. they’ve never kissed before and this is the closest they’ve ever been without fucking and it’s so close, jeongguk feels he’s burning. then taehyung breathes into his mouth, everything he’s holding on, everything that takes for jeongguk to melt down and put his tongue on taehyung’s teeth and taste him, everything that’s him. / taehyung jolts momentarily but relaxes and says “well i think you’d owe me more than a cigarette tomorrow.” and continues, the sun setting before their eyes. - words
  • Love is picking the pebbles on the floor. Love is terrible aches. - i carry your heart with me, i carry it in my heart
  • There’s a fire burning inside his heart and she doesn’t know until when it’s going to last before it dies down, before it stops appearing on places it thinks it should be, the time when the water on her hands stops spilling away from the gaps between her fingers, from where she could kill it herself and relight it again in a sacred place, in some place where she’d make it happen and she’d tell him ‘This is home’ and he’d say ‘I’ve always known.’ - i carry your heart with me, i carry it in my heart
  • let’s say forgiveness. let’s think taehyung says forgive me then, we didn’t mean to do that. even if he did. - fire
  • i’ll love you definitely. not a maybe. - poison
  • if you form a fist, you build one heart and maybe, jeongguk reasons, it’s why everyone goes a little mad from time to time. - inelegance
  • I think about putting a big hoodie on when it’s summer / just because you wouldn’t close your mouth and wipe away / the blood dripping from it. - i carry your heart with me, i carry it in my heart
  • the sun is still there but it’s fading fast by now, faster than it’s supposed to. yoongi puts a hand on his shoulder. “don’t ruin it.” and hoseok looks up at the sky again, forces a smile, watches as the sun collapses, slow then all at once. yoongi pats him a minute after. “good boy.” / that’s how hoseok exists. - light
  • ”there are some kind of love that stays inside of you and never leaves.” - walking in the wind
  • you can't immortalize someone who doesn't want it. - suicide notes
  • here we lie, say a thousand words and hope at least one or two of them means a thing.
aug 28 2016 ∞
sep 10 2016 +