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Hi all! It is not like me in nature to set-up a profile on a web-site, but here I am. Since my age is just about a 1/2 century old, my listings might be very interesting. So all who read have fun, because I will also have fun in the process.

listography NEW NEWS
  • You shouldn't smoke because once you start you will never stop.
  • It is easy to start smoking, however it is "very" hard to quit the habit, I tried many times.
  • These days it is best not to smoke, 99% of the times the poeple you are hanging out with will not be smokers
sep 18 2009 ∞
sep 21 2009 +
  • I done a lot of travening, unfortunate it was mainly all business related, but I did enjoy it & made the best out of it.
  • Wnen traveling you will see & meet people whom remind you of people you already know.
  • Many people like to travel to far-out places, however traveling can be just walking around your local neigborhood.
  • Try enjoying the simple travels in life & see the world around you at the present time (look around & see).
sep 18 2009 ∞
sep 30 2009 +
  • Life is what you make of it, sometimes the right things become wrong & the wrong things become right, so beware!
  • Most of the things you plan in life start in a foward motion, but you never actual reach your goal because other goals seem to get in the way & then you loss scope of the original goal.
sep 17 2009 ∞
sep 18 2009 +
  • Be very careful for what you wish for, because wishes sometimes become reality.
  • Wishing for wishes is great, but in life you must work on making your own wishes to become true.
  • It seems that most individual wish for aspects that have positive attributes in life & don't include personal "haves" such as money (this is good natured). These unselfish wishes are the wishes that always seem to become true/reality.
sep 17 2009 ∞
oct 23 2009 +
  • There are so many quotes in the english language & sometimes I catch myself saying these quotes for what reason I don't know.
  • Quotes are contagious after you here one you say it to someone else.
  • When saying quotes make sure it fits the age group you are saying it to or it will just go over there heads
sep 21 2009 ∞
sep 21 2009 +
  • How do you define spiritual?
  • I can consider myself spiritual in nature & I try to kept "clear minded" so that spiritual nature won't be lost.
sep 18 2009 ∞
sep 22 2009 +
  • Being placed on a website is like being traped in a "web", just waiting for a "spider" to come.
  • Website's are a great tool for retreiving information, however, these days it's becoming the only way to obtain it & that's unfortunate.
sep 18 2009 ∞
sep 18 2009 +
  • When at work we all think of the things we can be doing instead, but if you didn't work you wouldn't be able to do anything, plus were would the money come from.
  • Work is a health job in life, it keeps you straight minded, on your toes & ready for anything.
sep 17 2009 ∞
sep 30 2009 +
  • A pet is a "big" responsibility & they should be treated with respect, just like you would treat an actual person.
  • Some people have pets for a novelty which is not good for the pet. Your pet should be considered your "best freind" at all times.
  • A pet is just like a person, if you treat your pet badly it will "run-a-way".
sep 18 2009 ∞
sep 18 2009 +
  • There will always be things to do in life, making a decision on what to do is the hardest part.
  • It is very important to do the "right" things in life verses the "wrong". But we never know if it's "right or wrong" until it happens.
sep 18 2009 ∞
sep 18 2009 +
  • I like listening to music loud, like 3,000 watts worth.
  • I like most music with the exception of Coutry, Rap, & Women vocalist (sorry all ladies out there, it just remainds me of my mother yelling)!
sep 17 2009 ∞
sep 18 2009 +