• 2015: Space Odyssey: a collection of stories on the universe and beyond
    • if you love aliens & outer space this is the webcomic for you
    • some of these stories are crazy... definitely makes you think...
  • Friday: Forbidden Tales
  • Ghost Teller: You think your ghost stories are scary? Try listening to these stories from the ghosts themselves.
    • all the ghosts are from Korean mythology!
    • listen... the reaper... not to project but that's ksoo
  • Have You Any Fear?: A seasonal anthology exploring the sinister nature of classic children's nursery rhymes, published in the month of October.
  • Lavender Jack: When a masked man begins terrorizing the wealthy upper class of the City of Gallery, exposing their dirty secrets through burglary and a mysterious power to make objects explode, the desperate Mayor calls in veteran detective Theresa Ferrier. What begins as a simple game of cat and mouse leads the two opposing forces of Detective Ferrier and Lavender Jack down a rabbit hole of mysterious organizations, betrayal, and lost love.
    • this one just started but it seems like a take on the Robin Hood concept and i love it
  • Melvina's Therapy: Anxiety, loneliness, depression… with a regular therapy you can deal with these issues, but Melvina’s Therapy is about something deeper: creepy secrets remaining in the darkest space of your mind, waiting for you…
    • the stories are great for their detail and length but the length also means waiting for like 2 months for a story to end... TT so my advice is just don't start each one until they're finished lol
  • Shriek: Prepare to swallow your screams. This horror anthology is loaded with special effects for maximum scare–just in time for Halloween.
  • Tales of the Unusual: Series of unusual, strange, and mysterious thriller.
jul 20 2018 ∞
jul 20 2018 +