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Gemma. Enjoy my lists because I like to keep track of random things lol :D

Words will be just words until you bring them to life. :)


>>P R O D U C T S<<

✧ Michael Kors Lorimer Small Pebbled Leather Satchel (black)

  • What's a "Favorites" list without a bag added in? lol
  • I thought this would be the best size up compared to my Marc Jacobs Moto Shot.
  • Just needed a liiiiiiittle bit more space without the bag being huge, and this is definitely it!
  • For being considered a "small" bag, it's spacious and there are functional front AND side pockets on the exterior! (Huge plus for me!)

✧ Mixed Plate by JOKOY (signed)

  • Didn't know he released a book last year! After going to his show, I wanted to go to the merch booth to purchase his autographed book, but I got my wallet signed by him instead and never ended up going to the merch booth lol.
  • Went to a Barnes & Noble and bought his book, but I later found out that there was a signed version online ON SALE, so I returned by Barnes & Noble copy the next day and ordered the signed version lol
  • Honestly, didn't read it yet since I'm still in the process of finishing up a different book, but I can tell this next one won't disappoint :)

✧ 3-way compact mirror from DAISO

  • Random item, but I'm obsessed with this mirror!
  • It's literally the perfect size! Slim and unfolds to reveal 3 mirrors: 2 magnified small mirrors on the side ends and 1 larger regular mirror in the middle. Either end of the mirror can be folded to also serve as a stand, so that's super convenient!
  • Overall, it's the size and functionality that drew me to it lmao

>>M E M O R I E S<<

✧ MITSUWA (Japanese supermarket!)

  • It's been SO LONG since I've been there (maybe almost, if not, a year!)
  • Went to Mitsuwa 3 times within one week because that's how good it is! Mainly because there was just so many food options within the food court, that we had to keep going back and try something new because we couldn't wait!
  • I missed buying my Japanese snacks and eating in the food court, which has really improved a lot!
  • I will never get tired of this place! It will forever be one of my favorite places for food, ingredients, and literally everything since quality is top notch!

>>M I S C E L L A N E O U S<<

✧ Song: Swim - Chase Atlantic

✧ Food: Karaage Curry

✧ Snacks:

  • Jagarico (especially sukiyaki flavor!)
  • Couque D'asses cookies
mar 2 2022 ∞
jan 2 2023 +